Monday, January 4, 2016


I know many people feel like making New Year's resolutions just sets you up for failure, but I love resolutions!  If nothing else, it's a good reason to set a goal and be mindful of something you can improve on.  At dinnertime, we've been doing something with the kids called, "highs, lows, and betcha didn't knows."  We go around the table and each person shares something good about their day, something not-so-good, and something the rest of us may not know.  The other night we all went around and talked about our resolutions instead.  Here's what everyone came up with...
Grace-"Be really good for Mommy when Daddy is gone at work" and "Color better at school."
Madi-"Try not to worry about getting sick so much" and "Make more friends at school."
Daddy-"Be more patient with the kids" and "Eat healthier."
Mommy-"Take better care of me so I can take better care of everyone else." (eating better, exercise, reading at least one book per month, and completing four 5ks in 2016) and "Make Mom proud."
We also were talking about a motto we could make for our family.  I found this quote and think it's just perfect for our 2016 Family Motto.
  "Take it all one day at a time and enjoy the journey."
The last 3 years have been hard.  Things are looking up and we're anxious for some exciting changes in our lives.  Dave started a new job today with a large company where he will be selling oil.  He was approached by a friend from high school about the job and after lots of consideration he accepted.  We're very excited and he looks forward to this new challenge.  We sold "black beauty" yesterday (Dave's well loved black truck with 225,000 miles on it) after he upgraded  to a new-to-us truck last month.  It feels good to be a 2 vehicle family, down from the 4 we had in the driveway for a couple weeks:)  We've also decided that instead of putting the time and money into this house, we will be keeping our eyes out for a home that will meet all our needs and that is outside of town.  It may not be this year, or even the next, but it's fun to look:)  Here's to new adventures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So nice to hear about all of your resolutions and also about your dreams and hopes!!