Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."

I believe that people come into our lives for a reason.  We might not recognize that reason immediately but, eventually, that reason might present itself very clearly.  In the past month I've been contacted by two acquaintances who recently found out  that their dads have lung cancer; one a former co-worker from the Y and the other, one of the girls' former teachers.   I'm realizing why I crossed paths with these two individuals and why I have felt compelled to share my experience and knowledge of lung cancer. 
It isn't always easy to share your story or experience with people; it can bring up memories and feelings you'd just as soon forget.  It might not always seem like anyone is listening, or that anyone cares, but you have the power to be the light in someone's darkness.  When something is important to you, be an advocate.  Share your story. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true, Lexie that people cross our path for a reason. I'll bet you've looked back on your life and seen some of these reasons after the fact. I just think you are such a great support for these 2 friends who recently learned their loved ones have lung cancer. You have made it your business to educate us on fb about lung cancer facts. Again you're making your Mom proud!!! We are so very proud of you too! Love, Vicki