Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday Grace Lori

Six years ago we walked into Bellin Hospital in Green Bay, WI, ready to welcome our precious Grace Lori into the world.  At 1:28pm we met our sweet baby girl and it was love at first sight.  She was our smallest baby, at 8lbs 11oz with such pretty little features and dark hair.  She is such a precious soul and has the kindest, purest, heart you'll ever find.  She cares deeply for others and would give anyone, anything.  She has a twinkle in her eye and joy in her heart.  She doesn't spend a lot of time worrying, but enjoys each day as it comes.  She misses her Grandma with all her little heart but she constantly reminds us of happy things about her and recognizes that Grandma is present in so many things we do. Happy Birthday Grace Lori.  Our lives are blessed because of you!

 Donuts for breakfast!  I had hoped it would resemble a "6" a little more than it did!
 With a little help from Auntie Sarah and her mom & dad, we were able to pull off surprising the birthday girl at school to eat lunch with her today!  Her and Madi eat lunch at the same time which works out so well.  She was almost in tears because she was so excited.  Both girls were concerned what I had done with the twins.  I told them their Grandpa & Grandma were watching them and they wondered if Auntie Sarah knew that I had asked them to watch the girls!
Toys R Us gift card from Papa!  The part she was most excited about was that it includes a date with him to spend it as well as lunch/dinner out with him:)
 Our second surprise of the day was meeting Dave at Chuck E Cheese.  I picked the girls up from school and we went into Green Bay, did a couple errands, and then met him for dinner and fun!
 She was moving so fast that most of the pictures are a blur.  Here she is hugging Wyatt for the present he got her.
 New clothes
 We've been on a major Play-Doh kick at our house lately
 Legos have been her b-day request this year
 Time for fun!

 Dancing with Chuck E
 Ice cream cake!

 Trying to block Wyatt from blowing her candle out.

 Apparently this was one wild ride
My favorite part of the night was watching these two play. They fight...a lot.  But, tonight they were so happy and enjoying their time together.  Every time I looked at them they were playing a game together and Madi even gave Grace some of her tickets. 

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