Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bowling Birthday Fun

Saturday we celebrated Grace's 6th Birthday with a super fun bowling party!  So many wonderful people celebrated with us.  We are so blessed. 

 The two cutest little twinies ever...and their dad. 
 Some serious BFF talk going on
 It was SO awesome to have my Aunts, Halle and Laurel, visit and join us for Grace's party.
 The kiddie table
 Hannah & Hattie's first time bowling.  They loved it:)
 Paul giving Jack a hand
 Doug showing everyone how it's done

 Grace's friend Sara's mom, dad, and sister were able to stay for the party.  Cute little Katie was having so much fun!
 The birthday girl taking a turn
 Present time!  She was SO excited about her Barbie camper from Grandma and Grandpa Reed!  It's been a huge hit all weekend.
 Awesome horse for her American Girl doll from Uncle Paul, Auntie Erin, Carter, Callie, and Jack!
 DQ gift cards from Aunties Halle and Laurel!
 Hugs for her Papa
 Such a happy girl
 Happy Birthday dear Gracie


Made With Love

I've smelled the smell 100s of times in my life; a cake baking in the oven. This time was so much different though, it was me baking the cake instead of my mom. I realized this is the first one of my kids' birthday cakes that I have made.   I ordered Madisyn's birthday cake last year, but this is the first one that I attempted.  The smell of it just evoked all kinds of emotion and my heart felt so full, I knew she was with me because, to me, it couldn't have been more perfect. 
As I wrapped the board to put the cake on, I thought of the MANY late nights she spent baking and decorating cakes with my dad preparing her cake boards and boxes to transport the cakes in. Every cake she made was truly made with love.  It has often made me feel sad that I never took the time to really sit down and have her teach me how to decorate a cake.  She made too many beautiful ones to count.  Turns out she taught me more than I thought.  Thanks mama.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."

I believe that people come into our lives for a reason.  We might not recognize that reason immediately but, eventually, that reason might present itself very clearly.  In the past month I've been contacted by two acquaintances who recently found out  that their dads have lung cancer; one a former co-worker from the Y and the other, one of the girls' former teachers.   I'm realizing why I crossed paths with these two individuals and why I have felt compelled to share my experience and knowledge of lung cancer. 
It isn't always easy to share your story or experience with people; it can bring up memories and feelings you'd just as soon forget.  It might not always seem like anyone is listening, or that anyone cares, but you have the power to be the light in someone's darkness.  When something is important to you, be an advocate.  Share your story. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday Grace Lori

Six years ago we walked into Bellin Hospital in Green Bay, WI, ready to welcome our precious Grace Lori into the world.  At 1:28pm we met our sweet baby girl and it was love at first sight.  She was our smallest baby, at 8lbs 11oz with such pretty little features and dark hair.  She is such a precious soul and has the kindest, purest, heart you'll ever find.  She cares deeply for others and would give anyone, anything.  She has a twinkle in her eye and joy in her heart.  She doesn't spend a lot of time worrying, but enjoys each day as it comes.  She misses her Grandma with all her little heart but she constantly reminds us of happy things about her and recognizes that Grandma is present in so many things we do. Happy Birthday Grace Lori.  Our lives are blessed because of you!

 Donuts for breakfast!  I had hoped it would resemble a "6" a little more than it did!
 With a little help from Auntie Sarah and her mom & dad, we were able to pull off surprising the birthday girl at school to eat lunch with her today!  Her and Madi eat lunch at the same time which works out so well.  She was almost in tears because she was so excited.  Both girls were concerned what I had done with the twins.  I told them their Grandpa & Grandma were watching them and they wondered if Auntie Sarah knew that I had asked them to watch the girls!
Toys R Us gift card from Papa!  The part she was most excited about was that it includes a date with him to spend it as well as lunch/dinner out with him:)
 Our second surprise of the day was meeting Dave at Chuck E Cheese.  I picked the girls up from school and we went into Green Bay, did a couple errands, and then met him for dinner and fun!
 She was moving so fast that most of the pictures are a blur.  Here she is hugging Wyatt for the present he got her.
 New clothes
 We've been on a major Play-Doh kick at our house lately
 Legos have been her b-day request this year
 Time for fun!

 Dancing with Chuck E
 Ice cream cake!

 Trying to block Wyatt from blowing her candle out.

 Apparently this was one wild ride
My favorite part of the night was watching these two play. They fight...a lot.  But, tonight they were so happy and enjoying their time together.  Every time I looked at them they were playing a game together and Madi even gave Grace some of her tickets. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Happy Birthday Beautiful Angel

I love you to the moon and back, always and forever. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

LUNGevity Social Media Ambassador

I recently applied to be a Social Media Ambassador for LUNGevity Foundation.  This morning I received an e-mail that I had been chosen.  Today has also been 4 months since lung cancer took my mom from us.  It is my hope that someone, anyone, can learn something from me.  I'm both honored and thankful for the opportunity to spread awareness about lung cancer so that other families may not have to endure the pain mine has.   I do this in honor and in very loving memory of my mom, Cindy Hoverson, and Dave's grandparents, John & Lori Reed.  Always remember, "You think you're just a drop in the ocean...but look at the ripple effect one drop can make!"  Here's to the year of making mom proud.
 Visit to learn more about the work of the foundation. 

LUNGevity Foundation is firmly committed to making an immediate impact on increasing quality of life and survivorship of people with lung cancer by accelerating research into early detection and more effective treatments, as well as providing community, support, and education for all those affected by the disease.

A world where no one dies of lung cancer."

Monday, January 4, 2016

Kids are Funny

Hannah: Sneezes, getting spit all over Wyatt
Wyatt:  "Ewwww"
Hannah and Hattie:  Both giggling like crazy. 
Wyatt:   Trying to wipe off his arm looking very grumpy says, "you have clean my up."


I know many people feel like making New Year's resolutions just sets you up for failure, but I love resolutions!  If nothing else, it's a good reason to set a goal and be mindful of something you can improve on.  At dinnertime, we've been doing something with the kids called, "highs, lows, and betcha didn't knows."  We go around the table and each person shares something good about their day, something not-so-good, and something the rest of us may not know.  The other night we all went around and talked about our resolutions instead.  Here's what everyone came up with...
Grace-"Be really good for Mommy when Daddy is gone at work" and "Color better at school."
Madi-"Try not to worry about getting sick so much" and "Make more friends at school."
Daddy-"Be more patient with the kids" and "Eat healthier."
Mommy-"Take better care of me so I can take better care of everyone else." (eating better, exercise, reading at least one book per month, and completing four 5ks in 2016) and "Make Mom proud."
We also were talking about a motto we could make for our family.  I found this quote and think it's just perfect for our 2016 Family Motto.
  "Take it all one day at a time and enjoy the journey."
The last 3 years have been hard.  Things are looking up and we're anxious for some exciting changes in our lives.  Dave started a new job today with a large company where he will be selling oil.  He was approached by a friend from high school about the job and after lots of consideration he accepted.  We're very excited and he looks forward to this new challenge.  We sold "black beauty" yesterday (Dave's well loved black truck with 225,000 miles on it) after he upgraded  to a new-to-us truck last month.  It feels good to be a 2 vehicle family, down from the 4 we had in the driveway for a couple weeks:)  We've also decided that instead of putting the time and money into this house, we will be keeping our eyes out for a home that will meet all our needs and that is outside of town.  It may not be this year, or even the next, but it's fun to look:)  Here's to new adventures!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016

I've always loved New Years.  My type A personality loves the fresh start-a clean house after taking down all the Christmas decorations, new goals, etc. 2015 was an especially difficult year and I've never been so ready to put a year behind me.  Of course we will never forget 2015, but it's time to let go of some of the sadness and focus on all the happy memories instead.  My motto for 2016 is "Make Mom Proud."  I want her to watch over us and be proud of our thoughts, words, and actions. 

We rang in the New Year with my family and had a really nice night.  My dad made an AMAZING meal!  He smoked multiple briskets, racks of ribs, and mac n cheese, and also made my mom's potato salad which turned out perfectly.  If you've never tried smoked macaroni and cheese, I highly recommend it.  Brian, Kaci, Dave, Madi, Grace, and I all made it to midnight and Wyatt only missed it by about a half an hour.  The kids have been asking to spend the night at Papa's house so we spent the night and had a lazy morning lounging on the couch and watching the Tournament of Roses Parade.  I think I woke up this morning still full from last night. 
 A very happy Hannah
 Hattie loved all the noise makers, balloons, etc.
 Dave was happy to start the New Year like this

 Lots of yummy treats

 Belly up to the bar:)  Munching on all the goodies.
 Auntie Kaci and Hannah
 Gracie, we will help you!
 This was the amazing spread my dad prepared.  It was SO GOOD.  We could all eat for the next week with all the leftovers!
 Madi and Hattie
 Wyatt and Hannah lounging on Daddy/Uncle David's lap
 A little Pie Face game-Wyatt LOVES it.

 Apples to Apples with Auntie Kaci and Uncle Brian
 This is what our morning looked like.  Everyone was ever so sleepy.