Sunday, August 24, 2014

What a Weekend

It was quite a weekend, packed with lots of activity; so hard to believe we only have one weekend left until school starts again:(  Why does time have to go so fast?  We spent the weekend with Dave's family, at his parent's house in Lakewood, WI.  We had breakfast Saturday morning at "the blue place," a restaurant Dave has been going to since he was probably close to Madi's age.  After breakfast we all trekked out into the woods to set up Dave's deer cam; the kids and I in our sandals, Dave in his very fashionable boots/shorts combo.  We spent the rest of the morning with his mom and then visited the oldest known logging camp still in it's original location, then off to church.  This morning we headed to the beach despite the dreary weather and we ended up having a great time and had the beach all to ourselves!  This afternoon we tried our hand at taking our own family pictures.  I think we definitely got a few good ones but the kids lost interest pretty quick.  We are crossing more and more items off of our "Summer Bucket List" all the time! 
 He is such a fashion statement!
 This picture perfectly sums up Wyatt...FAST.  MOVING.  BOY.
 Walking through the woods
 Daddy in his element with the kiddos
 Dave and I love history so this was right up our alley
 Cute Gracie
 The kids at the dining table where the loggers would eat.  We were told there was NO talking during the logger's meals because talking=not eating=missed work.  Our children would've never survived because there is always noise with our group:)
 Beach bum, literally!
 Brothers drinking beer well before noon
 Grace the fish
 Can you guess what Wyatt was doing at the beach???  Not only sand, but got a snail in his mouth at one point too.  Boys are gross!
Our attempt at a picture of Grandpa and Grandma with all the grandkids;
not too bad for 6 kid,s ages 7 and under!

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