Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mini Photo Shoot Fun

Today we went out and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL weather and had a mini photo shoot session for Madi's rock star birthday.  Who knew that our little Pulaski Community Park had so much beauty to offer?   It was so much fun and with a subject as beautiful as Madi how could I go wrong:)  I know I'm not a great photographer but it's fun and I enjoy playing so that's all that matters.  I wanted to share a couple but the rest we have to keep secret for her party;)  Grace also had to pose for a couple of course and Wyatt was having fun playing on Papa's lawn mower when we visited Grandma this afternoon so we couldn't leave him out! 
 This is my favorite picture of my beautiful little rock star!
 I was wishing I would've made Grace "dress up" a bit more after she decided she wanted to be in some pictures. 
 She was nervous sitting on the rail as you can tell from her expression!
 Her poses were just cracking me up:) 
It was more fun seeing what she came up with than trying to get her to pose any certain way.
 My handsome, handsome little boy looking so cool on the mower.  He just melts my heart!
 Watch out ladies!
 He is lucky he's so darn cute because boy is he a stinker!
As pretty inside as she is outside:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I majorly disagree, Lexie. You are a wonderful photographer. These photos are all awesome and I love the locations and poses. Madi looks so grown up!! You couldn't go wrong with such sweet subjects, Lexie!! Great job!