Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Perfect Kind of Day

Today has been a perfect summer day.  I opened up the windows before bed last night and woke up to the sound of rain this morning.  It was a little chilly and it felt so good to cuddle back into the warm covers.  My little man woke up when Dave was getting ready for work so I got him a bottle and he snuggled right in next to me and we went back to sleep for a while.  The girls have been playing Barbies basically everyday for the last month and after breakfast they were right back at it.  We had decided that today would be our designated pajama day, perfect for our rainy morning.  We had decided that we would have a read-a-thon today too; it was supposed to be outside but we cuddled up inside instead and I think they enjoyed it. 

Does anyone else remember having read-a-thons in school?  I remember looking forward to those days so much.  We were allowed to bring in our favorite snacks, a comfy pillow and/or blanket, and a good book(s) to curl up with.  I knew a read-a-thon would be right up Madi's alley; snacks and books are the way to that girl's heart.  Yesterday we went to the library to return our old books and get new ones for our read-a-thon.  We also went to the store and the girls each picked out two treats and a special drink to have.  This morning they picked out their favorite blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals and picked their perfect spots in the living room.  I was so happy at how excited they were for it; just putting a fun spin on our normal book reading.  They have been asking me for a while if we could order pizza.  I snuck into my room around lunch time today and ordered some pizza to be delivered to our house.  They jumped up and down saying, "pizza, pizza!" when the kid came to deliver it.  Now they are back to playing Barbies. They are such good kids:)
 My Bookworm
 Gracie checking out our pile of books and deciding which ones she wanted me to read.

 Even though Wyatt won't sit still long enough to read a book, he still had fun:)
 Madi reading Grace and Wyatt a book about Pandas
Happy with their lunch.  Between the 3 kids, they ate all but 1 1/2 slices of a medium pizza. 
Wyatt can eat almost as much as the girls.  They were hungry!!!

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