Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How have we not visited here before???

I took the girls to get haircuts this morning and after a little shopping and meeting Daddy for lunch, we spent the afternoon at Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary.  I have lived here for almost 10 years and have never been there.  After visiting today, we will definitely make it a more regular activity and want to take Daddy back very soon since he was Madi's age last time he visited!  It was gorgeous, the kids loved it, and it's totally free to enjoy (aside from the $1 bag of feed to feed the animals).  Here are a few pictures from our afternoon.
 The kiddos in a giant goose
 Wy trying on this turtle shell for size
 Soooo pretty!  Looking forward to a visit in fall!
 My girls

Feeding the ducks and geese
Up close and personal
The girls said this was the swamp and that maybe Shrek lived here:)

The otters were so cute
Climbing the spider web

She's getting too big;(
  Grace going through the doggy door
So pretty!

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