Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our Angel

Two years ago today heaven welcomed you, our precious, angel baby.  Not a day goes by that we don't think of you, but today is especially hard.  I wonder what you'd look like and what your personality would be like.  Even though my body couldn't carry you, my heart will carry you forever.  One day I will get to meet you, sweet baby.  I know you are up there with all your Great Grandparents and I know mommy's friend Steph, Auntie Jane, and some other pretty great people are there with you too.  We had a fun day in memory of you today.  I love you so very much and couldn't let the day pass without sharing a couple things that made me think of you.  As hard as it is to share, it's even harder to keep all my feelings for you tucked away.  We love you little angel. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Lexie, these 2 pictures and sweet words are just beautiful! I'm glad you and Dave and he kids celebrated our little angel baby in a fun day together!