Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Day is in the books

The 2014-2015 school year has officially begun and we have a 2nd grader and a 4Ker.  I enjoyed my first summer as a stay-at-home mom so much; I think I was more sad than the girls to see it go.  They both had great first days and are ready to go back tomorrow.  There were no tears.....from the girls anyway:)  I was sad to see them go this morning.  It's sure to be a crazy busy year with two kids, at two different schools, with two extra babies, but it will be great.  We are blessed. 
 Our beautiful 2nd grader
 Sisters ready for school (I LOVE that they are holding hands:)
 Little brother wouldn't sit still for a picture with them
 Cutest little 4Ker!
 Madi headed into school with her BFF, Hailey
 And there she goes:'(
 Gracie bug in front of her school

 In her classroom!
This was Grace's "homework" tonight.  She had to draw what her favorite parts of her first day were.  Her favorites were eating Chex Mix for snack, finding a snake on the playground, going down the slide, and playing in the sandbox.  Her cheeks were BRIGHT red when I picked her up; they had just come in from recess and apparently it was a lot of fun.  She came home starving and curled up on the couch next to my mom and fell asleep.  I think her first day was a success:)

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