Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Capming We Will Go

This weekend we loaded up the truck and camper and went to Jellystone Park in Sturgeon Bay, WI.  We finally made it up on Friday night after a few hiccups.  Dave got home a little early with hopes of us hitting the road by 3, get there by 4, and beat the Friday traffic.  We were all set to go and then I looked at Bear who's eye was almost completely swollen shut.  He was going to stay at my brother's for the weekend since we'd be away from the camper for the most part and didn't want him to sit in there and bark.  Soooo, we loaded him up and stopped at the vet.  Luckily they were able to see him right away and figured it was most likely a bee sting.  A steroid shot and some Benadryl and we were only an hour behind schedule!  We were going through Green Bay and came to a big camper on the side of the road with a wrecker behind it; it looked like they had a couple flat tires.  I jokingly said, "I hope that's not an omen," which Dave didn't think was very funny, especially when 10 miles down the road his 'check coolant' light lit up.  The truck was super hot so we got off at the next exit and let it cool down a bit.  Thankfully it cooled down and we were able to get going, we just made our trip a bit slower than we'd hoped.  We ended up having a fun weekend.  It was Hawaiian Luau theme weekend and there were sooo many activities for the kids to do, the days flew by!  We did decide that we need to work on teaching our kids the fine art of relaxation because there wasn't much of that going on this weekend.  Now for the picture overload:)

 Yogi and Booboo:)
The kids in Yogi's pic-a-nic basket
 Madi snapped this picture of Dave and I.  This was 1 of 2 but I looked really bad in the other one so I chose to share Dave's droopy eyes instead:)
 Pretty reflections (and cute little boy) to wake up to Saturday morning
 Off for a bike ride
 Daddy teaching Grace the fine art of putting (Grandpa Great would be so proud!)
 Daddy concentrating very hard
 The girlies
 Wyatt checking out the bear
 Daddy and Wyatt coming down the green
 My pretty Madi, so grown up
 Grace ready to jump in
 Wyatt found his own little puddle to play in
 Cuddling with Mommy
 Snuggled up by the fire after swimming, it was chilly!
 Making sand art for arts and crafts time
 In front of the Ranger's Station
 The girls doing hula hoop games
 Wyatt doing boy things
 This was in "Cindy Bear Meadow." We had to take a picture here for Grandma:)
Snuggled up in the bike trailer (Grace needs a haircut SOOOO bad!)
 Ready for the luau!
Sisters- A rare moment of no fighting
 Dance time
 Limbo!  The little girl in the picture with them just gravitated to Madi. 
Madi was so sweet and kept dancing with her.
 Me and my little stud muffin in his Hawaiian shirt (all the bruises on his poor little head show up really well in this picture:(  He is such a toughie)
 Love this picture
 Camp Reed
Roasting some marshmallows

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