Monday, May 6, 2013

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? Absolutely
Stretch marks? Yep; got some new ones on my sides because it is seriously like I have grown a basketball:)
Sleep:Not so good
Best moment this week: Getting our garage sale and 3 hour glucose test over with!  Also got to hear little man's heartbeat on Wednesday which is one of the sweetest sounds I know.     
Movement: Lots of movement (even as I type this!) and he's been having the hiccups regularly too which is fun.  He finally let Grandma Hoverson feel him move too:)
Food cravings: A twist ice cream come from McDonalds.  I tried a healthier strawberry fruit bar instead but I have a feeling a trip through McDonalds drive-thru is in order tomorrow 
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: I had a couple days this week with some pretty bad lower back pain.
What I miss: Sleep...I am running on fumes this week.
What I am looking forward to: Enjoying the beautiful weather we're having, Madi's spring concert this week, Dave's birthday, and Mother's Day this coming weekend. 
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is the size of a pineapple!
Milestones: Less than 10 weeks to go now! 
***Still no call from my Dr. regarding my 3-hour glucose test which is a good thing.  They said if the results came back high again they would call but if it was normal, I wouldn't hear from them...keeping my fingers crossed***

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