Monday, May 13, 2013

32 Weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? Yes, and growing out of some of those too!  I got this cute new outfit from my parent's for Mother's Day; my mom always picks out the best clothes for me:)
Stretch marks? Yep; got some new ones on my sides because it is seriously like I have grown a basketball:)
Sleep:Not so good; my legs ache alot during the night. 
Best moment this week: We had a very nice Mother's Day combined with Dave's birthday.  We had a laid back morning, Grace and I went and got some sweet treats for breakfast for Daddy's birthday.  In the afternoon we went to my mom & dad's house and ate WAY too much , Dave opened his birthday gifts, and all the moms got spoiled too; it was a really nice day. 
Movement: He is moving sooooo much.  Feels like he's doing gymnastics in there. 
Food cravings: Not really
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: I've had several Braxton Hicks contractions but very rarely
What I miss: Sleep, feeling drained. 
What I am looking forward to: Two days off this week and the luncheon/baby shower Aunties Kaci and Sarah are giving us on Saturday.  Also looking forward to having my sister home starting Friday for the summer! 
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is roughly 4 pounds and nearly 19 inches long; almost the length he'll be at birth and now gaining nearly 1/2 lb. each week!   Getting ready to make his debut! 
Milestones:  8 months pregnant! 
Here's the birthday boy with his girls and the gigantic birthday cake!  The girls and I went to pick out an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen on Friday and this is what they had to have; it seriously weighed 10 pounds!  It was yummy though:)

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