Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grade 2?

Yes, you're seeing that right; Madisyn brought home this packet of words today...2nd grade words!  Her teacher asked that we go through the words by column; first reading the words, then her spelling the words.  Tonight she read every word on the list and we quizzed her on the spelling of the words in the first two columns.  She did awesome, only struggling with the spelling of a few words.  It is amazing to me the progress she has made since school started; such a smart little girl! 
In other news, Gracie has not stopped talking for like the last 2 days.  Don't get me wrong, she has always talked VERY well for her age but it's like the last couple days she just has not stopped!  I will never know where she comes up with some of this stuff:)  Here's a sample of our dialogue this morning. 
Grace:  "Mommy, what shirt my wearing today?"
Me:  "A Dora shirt."
Grace:  "What one."
Me:  "The pink one."
Grace:  "Why my wearing purple pants?"
Me:  "Because Dora is wearing purple on your shirt."
Grace: "Otay."
And finally, Wyatt news.  He is just moving and kicking like a little wild man:)  A guy came into work today, looked at my belly and said, "any day now?"  I had to chuckle and said, "no, I just have big babies:)" 

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