Tuesday, April 9, 2013

27 Weeks, 2 days

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm right around the 20 pound mark already:(  I think I can safely say we are just about back into walking to/from school weather so my goal now is just to hold steady right around this weight. 
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:) 
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet but I'm sure there will be soon; my belly has been itching like crazy. 
Sleep: Better actually
Best moment this week: It was kind of an icky week; Madi ended up sick Wednesday-Friday, when I took her into the dr. to see what was going on.  Looked like a little bit of an ear infection and her strep test came back negative.  She is on antibiotics now and feeling MUCH better.  We thought Grace might be coming down with the same thing but seems to have snapped out of it quickly.
Movement: He's been kind of quiet the last couple days but that's kind of how he's been all along; he will have a couple sleepy days then go CRAZY and move a ton for a couple days.     
Food cravings: Anything that I don't need to be eating.  I was doing so well and this past week I just fell off the band wagon.  Back at er' tomorrow:) 
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:) 
Labor Signs: Pain was a little better the last few days so we'll hope it stays this way; with any luck the walking will help.   
What I miss: Not having sick girls:(
What I am looking forward to: This "quiet" week before our ultra crazy/busy week next week.  I'm tired just thinking about it!
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt weighs over 2lbs. and is around 15inches long; hard to belive he will probably only grow 4-5 inches in the next 10-12 weeks. 
Milestones: This is the final week of the 2nd trimester!!!  At 37 weeks this little guy will be considered full term which means just 10 weeks from now we could meet our little man!!! 

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