Monday, April 22, 2013

29 Weeks, 1 Day

Big sister Gracie kissing on her brother:)  She always asks me, "Mommy, your baby kickin'?"  She is going to be such a good big sister, just as Madi is to her.  Madi even shared $1 of her tooth fairy money with Grace:)  Grace got some practice over the weekend with her 6 month old cousin, Jack.  I guess she giggled when she watched his diaper getting changed; she never seen little boy parts before!  I imagine there will be LOTS of questions from her when he's born! 
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:)  I am at the stage where I am just sick of all my clothes but thanks to my mom got a few cute new tops!
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet.  Grace did ask me why I had "holes" in my stomach, referring to the stretch marks there from her & Madi:)
Sleep: Some nights are better than others; I am feeling tired most days, especially if I'm on my feet alot. 
Best moment this week: It was a good week, busy, but good.  We went to the Beauty and the Beast musical on Thursday and the girls really liked it.   We also spent some time at Dave's parent's on Saturday/Sunnday for his dad's birthday and to welcome them back from AZ. 
Movement: He is moving soooo much;  I have to say this is my favorite part of pregnancy, the most amazing feeling in the world!   
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Felt pretty good this week.
What I miss: Nice weather; this constant snow/rain/wind can be done any day now.
What I am looking forward to: Bed tonight;)
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is the size of a squash! 
Milestones: Officially in the 3rd trimester and the last week of the 20's!!!

My 1 hour glucose test came back high:(  I am SOOOO disappointed.  Their cutoff is 140 and mine was at 143 of course!  I go back in May 1st for the 3 hour test.  Since I found out on Friday, I've been doing my best to follow the diet I followed when I was pregnant with Grace and  was borderline with gestational diabetes. 

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