Monday, April 15, 2013

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:)
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.
Best moment this week: Wyatt's increased movement; he is going CRAZY in there! 
Movement: See above:)  You can just sit and watch my stomach move and bounce:)    
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Felt alot better this week minus some swelling in my feet/ankles after a couple days of being on my feet all day.  Yesterday this little guy was sitting SOOOO low though! 
What I miss: Nice weather; this constant snow/rain/wind can be done any day now. 
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appointment Wed. and getting my glucose test out of the way; I was borderline with gestational diabetes with Grace so I'm hoping it's not the same this time around.  We have a super busy week this week; baptism class tomorrow night, Dr. appointment Wednesday, going to the musical Beauty and the Beast on Thursday (put on by our Middle School), Family Fun night at Madi's school Friday night, Dave has a bachelor party Saturday, and finally Saturday night/Sunday we will spend up at Dave's mom & dad's house celebrating his dad's birthday and them returning from the winter in AZ!
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is around 16 inches long.
Milestones: Officially in the 3rd trimester!  Grace was born at exactly 38 weeks so dare I say 10 more weeks to go!?!?!
 I've been working on a few projects that I knew were going to need to be done close to the time this little guy is born.  We put together these little popsicle treats with a tag that says, "Just freeze and eat for a cool summer treat.  Have a great summer!  From your friend, Madi."  These will be for Madi's class at the end of the year.  We also put together her teacher's end of the year gift and some little goodies for the upcoming Teacher Appreciaion week so we are in good shape there! 
We made these cute little bags for the nurses we have when Wyatt is born.  I got this idea from Pinterest and loved it; such a simple way to show your appreation.  Each bag has some kleenex, hand sanitizer, mini nail files, Andes mints, hair ties, lip gloss, and a drink mix for a bottle of water.  I was super happy with how they turned out:)

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