Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alligator/Christmas Suit

I know, strange combinaton right?  Each of the girls gave me a laugh today with their latest antics, Grace regarding the alligator and Madi, her Christmas suit:)

Grace and I were at the hospital today waiting for my mom to finish up her chemo treatment.  We were in the cafeteria eating Grace's "pink cake" that she loves so much from there and she started going off on a tangent about this alligator.  I told her I had absolutely NO idea what she was talking about and finally she said, "you know, Papa take me to ride on it and we go up and down."  I asked if she meant the elevator and she excitedly said, "yes, that it!"  This hospital has a glass elevator in the main lobby so you can see everything while you're going up and down and that's exactly what Grace and Papa like to do; ride it up and down...over and over:) 

Madi was looking in Wyatt's diaper bag that I've started to pack and she said, "you're packing some extra clothes for Wyatt in here?"  I told her that we couldn't bring Wyatt home in his birthday suit so we better bring some clothes with for him and she gave me a very perplexed look.  I asked if she knew what birthday suit meant and she didn't so I explained to her.  The girls were goofing off a little later and ended up taking their shirts off and Madi said, "I'm in half of my Christmas suit" (meaning her Birthday suit but just a little mixed up:) 

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