Sunday, April 28, 2013

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? Absolutely
Stretch marks? I think I got a new one this week:(
Sleep: I had the best night of sleep I've had in a while this week, it was pretty nice! 
Best moment this week: We stayed with my mom for a couple nights this week while the guys were away turkey hunting; hanging out with my mom is always some of my favorite times.    
Movement: He is moving soooo much; I have to say this is my favorite part of pregnancy, the most amazing feeling in the world!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular; I am on the glucose tolerance diet for the next three days:(
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: There was one point yesterday that he was sitting SO LOW!
What I miss: Not waddling
What I am looking forward to: Getting our rummage sale over with next weekend and getting my second glucose test over with on Wednesday. 
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is the size of a cucumber; he is anywhere from 15.2-16.7 inches long and between 2.5-3.8 pounds (I'm going to go ahead and guess he's closer to the 3.8 pound mark, just based off of the girls weights:) 
Milestones: 30 weeks, let the countdown begin! 
And finally...the girls:)  In their Sunday best for church and VERY excited that they didn't have to wear tights under their dresses because it was finally warm enough outside!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alligator/Christmas Suit

I know, strange combinaton right?  Each of the girls gave me a laugh today with their latest antics, Grace regarding the alligator and Madi, her Christmas suit:)

Grace and I were at the hospital today waiting for my mom to finish up her chemo treatment.  We were in the cafeteria eating Grace's "pink cake" that she loves so much from there and she started going off on a tangent about this alligator.  I told her I had absolutely NO idea what she was talking about and finally she said, "you know, Papa take me to ride on it and we go up and down."  I asked if she meant the elevator and she excitedly said, "yes, that it!"  This hospital has a glass elevator in the main lobby so you can see everything while you're going up and down and that's exactly what Grace and Papa like to do; ride it up and down...over and over:) 

Madi was looking in Wyatt's diaper bag that I've started to pack and she said, "you're packing some extra clothes for Wyatt in here?"  I told her that we couldn't bring Wyatt home in his birthday suit so we better bring some clothes with for him and she gave me a very perplexed look.  I asked if she knew what birthday suit meant and she didn't so I explained to her.  The girls were goofing off a little later and ended up taking their shirts off and Madi said, "I'm in half of my Christmas suit" (meaning her Birthday suit but just a little mixed up:) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

29 Weeks, 1 Day

Big sister Gracie kissing on her brother:)  She always asks me, "Mommy, your baby kickin'?"  She is going to be such a good big sister, just as Madi is to her.  Madi even shared $1 of her tooth fairy money with Grace:)  Grace got some practice over the weekend with her 6 month old cousin, Jack.  I guess she giggled when she watched his diaper getting changed; she never seen little boy parts before!  I imagine there will be LOTS of questions from her when he's born! 
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:)  I am at the stage where I am just sick of all my clothes but thanks to my mom got a few cute new tops!
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet.  Grace did ask me why I had "holes" in my stomach, referring to the stretch marks there from her & Madi:)
Sleep: Some nights are better than others; I am feeling tired most days, especially if I'm on my feet alot. 
Best moment this week: It was a good week, busy, but good.  We went to the Beauty and the Beast musical on Thursday and the girls really liked it.   We also spent some time at Dave's parent's on Saturday/Sunnday for his dad's birthday and to welcome them back from AZ. 
Movement: He is moving soooo much;  I have to say this is my favorite part of pregnancy, the most amazing feeling in the world!   
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Felt pretty good this week.
What I miss: Nice weather; this constant snow/rain/wind can be done any day now.
What I am looking forward to: Bed tonight;)
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt is the size of a squash! 
Milestones: Officially in the 3rd trimester and the last week of the 20's!!!

My 1 hour glucose test came back high:(  I am SOOOO disappointed.  Their cutoff is 140 and mine was at 143 of course!  I go back in May 1st for the 3 hour test.  Since I found out on Friday, I've been doing my best to follow the diet I followed when I was pregnant with Grace and  was borderline with gestational diabetes. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Toothless and Little "Me Too"

Madisyn lost two teeth this weekend!  She pulled one out Friday afternoon and one tonight!  Here's a picture of her new smile:)  Of course Gracie had to have her picture taken too so you get a double dose of cuteness. 


Monday, April 15, 2013

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: ???
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:)
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.
Best moment this week: Wyatt's increased movement; he is going CRAZY in there! 
Movement: See above:)  You can just sit and watch my stomach move and bounce:)    
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:)
Labor Signs: Felt alot better this week minus some swelling in my feet/ankles after a couple days of being on my feet all day.  Yesterday this little guy was sitting SOOOO low though! 
What I miss: Nice weather; this constant snow/rain/wind can be done any day now. 
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appointment Wed. and getting my glucose test out of the way; I was borderline with gestational diabetes with Grace so I'm hoping it's not the same this time around.  We have a super busy week this week; baptism class tomorrow night, Dr. appointment Wednesday, going to the musical Beauty and the Beast on Thursday (put on by our Middle School), Family Fun night at Madi's school Friday night, Dave has a bachelor party Saturday, and finally Saturday night/Sunday we will spend up at Dave's mom & dad's house celebrating his dad's birthday and them returning from the winter in AZ!
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is around 16 inches long.
Milestones: Officially in the 3rd trimester!  Grace was born at exactly 38 weeks so dare I say 10 more weeks to go!?!?!
 I've been working on a few projects that I knew were going to need to be done close to the time this little guy is born.  We put together these little popsicle treats with a tag that says, "Just freeze and eat for a cool summer treat.  Have a great summer!  From your friend, Madi."  These will be for Madi's class at the end of the year.  We also put together her teacher's end of the year gift and some little goodies for the upcoming Teacher Appreciaion week so we are in good shape there! 
We made these cute little bags for the nurses we have when Wyatt is born.  I got this idea from Pinterest and loved it; such a simple way to show your appreation.  Each bag has some kleenex, hand sanitizer, mini nail files, Andes mints, hair ties, lip gloss, and a drink mix for a bottle of water.  I was super happy with how they turned out:)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grade 2?

Yes, you're seeing that right; Madisyn brought home this packet of words today...2nd grade words!  Her teacher asked that we go through the words by column; first reading the words, then her spelling the words.  Tonight she read every word on the list and we quizzed her on the spelling of the words in the first two columns.  She did awesome, only struggling with the spelling of a few words.  It is amazing to me the progress she has made since school started; such a smart little girl! 
In other news, Gracie has not stopped talking for like the last 2 days.  Don't get me wrong, she has always talked VERY well for her age but it's like the last couple days she just has not stopped!  I will never know where she comes up with some of this stuff:)  Here's a sample of our dialogue this morning. 
Grace:  "Mommy, what shirt my wearing today?"
Me:  "A Dora shirt."
Grace:  "What one."
Me:  "The pink one."
Grace:  "Why my wearing purple pants?"
Me:  "Because Dora is wearing purple on your shirt."
Grace: "Otay."
And finally, Wyatt news.  He is just moving and kicking like a little wild man:)  A guy came into work today, looked at my belly and said, "any day now?"  I had to chuckle and said, "no, I just have big babies:)" 

27 Weeks, 2 days

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm right around the 20 pound mark already:(  I think I can safely say we are just about back into walking to/from school weather so my goal now is just to hold steady right around this weight. 
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts-even some of the shirts are starting to pull up on my belly:) 
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet but I'm sure there will be soon; my belly has been itching like crazy. 
Sleep: Better actually
Best moment this week: It was kind of an icky week; Madi ended up sick Wednesday-Friday, when I took her into the dr. to see what was going on.  Looked like a little bit of an ear infection and her strep test came back negative.  She is on antibiotics now and feeling MUCH better.  We thought Grace might be coming down with the same thing but seems to have snapped out of it quickly.
Movement: He's been kind of quiet the last couple days but that's kind of how he's been all along; he will have a couple sleepy days then go CRAZY and move a ton for a couple days.     
Food cravings: Anything that I don't need to be eating.  I was doing so well and this past week I just fell off the band wagon.  Back at er' tomorrow:) 
Gender: It's a boy, our little Wy man:) 
Labor Signs: Pain was a little better the last few days so we'll hope it stays this way; with any luck the walking will help.   
What I miss: Not having sick girls:(
What I am looking forward to: This "quiet" week before our ultra crazy/busy week next week.  I'm tired just thinking about it!
Weekly Wisdom: Wyatt weighs over 2lbs. and is around 15inches long; hard to belive he will probably only grow 4-5 inches in the next 10-12 weeks. 
Milestones: This is the final week of the 2nd trimester!!!  At 37 weeks this little guy will be considered full term which means just 10 weeks from now we could meet our little man!!! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Big sisters

Just finished up these shirts for my girlies for when our little Wyatt is born:)  I'm packing bags for both of them for when they stay at Grandma & Grandpa's house when we're at the hospital; they'll have these shirts, new pajamas, and some other big sister goodies when they open them up:)  Getting soooo excited!