Wednesday, January 9, 2013

14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks (on the 6th, Blogger wasn't cooperating with downloading the picture!)
Total weight gain: 3 pounds according to the dr. on Wed.
Maternity clothes? Some pants
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet.
Sleep: Not sleeping well lately but it's more due to my little Grace rather than little peanut in my tummy!
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat for the first time on Wednesday, January 2!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Tuna fish sandwich and those ham/cream cheese/pickle roll up things
Gender: Not sure but I can't wait to find out...Dave says boy:)
Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really, life is good:)
What I am looking forward to: It's not really baby related this week but I am looking forward to going to the Rascal Flatts concert with hubby, brother Doug, and sis-in-law Sarah on Thursday!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a lemon this week:)
Milestones: Officially in the 2nd trimester!

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