Thursday, June 23, 2016

Here we glow...

This morning I officially became radioactive!  It's strange to know what you just ingested and what it's capable of but not feel any different.  I received a dose of radioactive iodine that was 100 (actually 105.9) millicurie.  I'm now in "isolation" for the next week until my follow-up scan on 6/30.  I'm at my dad's for the week and arrived to beautiful flowers:)  He gave me his room so I could have my own bathroom (probably the most important precaution).  I have books, magazines, some fun new coloring books, and the iPad to watch shows on Netflix.  Dave & the kids are camping got the next 4 days.  I'm sad to miss the annual Welter Family Camping weekend but it was perfect timing to help distract them from our week apart.  Sarah will have the kids Monday & Tuesday while Dave is at work and then my mother-in-law will be down to take care of them Wednesday & Thursday.  Friday we will celebrate being back together at Wyatt's 3rd birthday party...I can't wait! 

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