Sunday, June 26, 2016

Half Way

Today I am half way through my week of isolation!  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my dad, very much so.  The hardest thing is not feeling any different yet not being able to do all the things you want to, go the places you'd like to, and mostly, not being able to see my babies.

Yesterday my brother stopped by with some delicious strawberries handpicked by himself, Sarah, and my sweet nieces.  My sister and Brian also dropped by with an adorable little mason jar full of flowers from their yard.  My dad continues to take good care of me and feed me very well; I even had buffalo burger last night!  We went out for a walk in the evening too which was nice.  It was sure good to see some of my people:). Best of all, my main man came to visit this evening.  My dad went and sat with the kids so he could come over and see me for a little while after they got home from camping.  Of course I'm taking all the necessary precautions; keeping at least 3ft distance and most of the time 6ft, and continuing to help flush it all out, drinking over a gallon of water each day.  I had phone calls this morning from my Aunt Laurel and Grandma Norma and have received sweet texts and messages from friends checking in on me.  Both my grandma and aunt asked if they had woken me up.  I said, "no, I just always sound tired," (and usually look it too!).  Hopefully after being able to restart my medication on Thursday I will bounce back quickly.  My dad's realtor even called him tonight and gave me some tips; she had thyroid cancer 7 years ago and is doing well.

I'm so thankful to everyone helping us get through this.  It truly does take a village!  My girls will be back at summer school (summer school=swimming lessons, cupcake making, card-making & stamping, basketball, & fitness fun) starting tomorrow morning and Dave back at work.  Dave will drop all the kids off with my sister-in-law, Sarah.  My dad will get them to and from summer school and back to Sarah until Dave gets back to pick them up.  Dave is going to get in on all the before school fun, lunch packing, laundry, and general craziness and I know he'll be great.  Sarah will have the kids again on Tuesday and my mother-in-law will come Tuesday evening and help out until I'm home.  We are blessed.

I woke up just after 3am to my phone going crazy then the tornado sirens going off.  I turned on the tv and they were reporting some rotation detected 8 miles south of Pulaski.  The sirens didn't last long  but the weather got pretty gnarly for a while.  Hoping tonight will be a little less eventful!  Goodnight!

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