Friday, June 24, 2016

So Far So Good

I'm almost 48 hours post treatment and it's highly likely that most of the radiation has already been flushed out of my system.  So far I've had no side effects which is good.  One of the biggest problems people have after this treatment is painful salivary glands due to the radiation settling in them which also results in dry mouth.  I'm fully stocked with my sour candy for that if need be (sours can help stimulate the glands and push any radiation out).  The only thing I've noticed is twinges of pain around my scar which hopefully means the remaining thyroid tissue is being destroyed! The whole body scan I had on Wednesday showed no evidence of cancer cells anywhere else in my body other than some activity around the area where my thyroid used to be.  This is to be expected because it is nearly impossible to fully remove all thyroid tissue during surgery.  With it's close proximity to the vocal chords, etc. it's a very delicate area and to get all the tissue would likely cause more damage to the surrounding area.  

My dad made us a delicious dinner the last two nights including the best guacamole I've ever had tonight (and it is low-iodine-diet friendly!).  We had it with steak and it was SO good.  I managed to get a little nap in and spent lots of time reading on the deck, finished a book I started last night, and sunburnt the tops of my legs.  I'm missing my babies and the thought of 5 more days apart is hard.  I guess when I say I need a break I need to be more specific; this isn't quite the break I was hoping for.  Dave is sending me lots of pictures of their camping fun and it warms my heart to see them laughing and playing with cousins, 2nd cousins, and great-aunts & uncles; everyone taking care of them when I can't.  One of Dave's cousins French braided Madi's hair today (something I don't know how to do) and I told her, "see, it looks better than it would if I was there."  Dave sent me pictures of their sandwiches all made and in the fridge for lunch at the beach; as much as he hates to admit it, I've rubbed off on him a little.

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