Friday, June 17, 2016

Breakfast on the Farm 2016

It's been quite a start to summer so far!  My baby sister got married on June 4th, the girls started soccer games, we attended breakfast on the farm, the girls started swimming lessons (weekdays for the next 4 weeks), story time at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens, Day out with Thomas at the National Railroad Museum and I'm gearing up to start my treatment for thyroid cancer next week and be away from Dave and the kids for a week following treatment.  We're living this week, planning for next week, and preparing for the week after that.  We just need to make it to the end of June and hopefully we will be able to put this behind us for a while.  I had blookwork on Friday and my thyroid levels were where they need to be to proceed with treatment so now the fun begins.  I've been on a low iodine diet since 6/5 as well as completely off of any thyroid medication (I no longer have my thyroid so will take a pill for the rest of my life.)  No pill + no thyroid= extreme hypothyroidism. Here's a quick update on what the next two weeks look like. 

Monday 6/20-Radioactive iodine tracer dose. 

Wednesday 6/22-Whole body scan

Thursday 6/23- Radioactive iodine treatment dose

6/23-6/30-isolation to reduce risk of anyone being exposed to my radioactivity (I'm staying with my dad and have to be at least 6 feet from him at all times, I can't be by the kids at all).  Thankfully Dave & the kids will be camping for 4 days of our time away with Dave's extended family and we have a great support system to help us through the rest.  My sister-in-law, Sarah, will help out with the kiddos the 27th & 28th and then Dave's mom will stay with them Wednesday & Thursday and my dad will help get them to and from summer school.  We've had meals dropped off by the Lewis families and the family I babysat for during the school year.  We're blessed to have so much support. 

6/30-Follow-up whole body scan

7/1-Celebrate our sweet boy's 3rd birthday with a construction theme party, eat whatever I want, and get back on my thyroid medication and get back to feeling good!  Wyatt's birthday is on June 29th and it breaks my heart I won't be with him. 

So that's where we're at with all that...updates to come!
 On the wagon ride in to breakfast on the farm.  Madi's friend, Izzy, joined us this year.  She's a real life farm girl:)
 Of course the gravitate to the kitties!
 Loving the huge sand pile

 Cute little sandy bum

 Wyatt could hardly contain his excitement for the firetruck

 He looks like such a natural.  I just adore this handsome little boy of ours. 

 So friendly
 This girl is heck on wheels

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