Friday, June 17, 2016

Green Bay Botanical Garden Storytime and Cousin Fun

Sarah and I loaded up all the crazies and headed to Green Bay to check out story time at the Botanical Gardens.  My mom LOVED the Botanical Gardens and just after we had walked in to the first area of flowers, a cardinal flew across the area right in front of us.  It's one of those things that almost takes your breath away and reminds me she's always with us.  It was a gorgeous morning and so fun to try out something new.  After story time and looking at all the beautiful flowers, we went to Pamperin Park with the picnic lunches we had packed and ate lunch and let the kids play.  Afterwards my girls were asking for ice cream so we stopped at SAM's club and killed two birds with one stone;  Sarah and I both needed a couple things and we got the kids frozen yogurt from their snack bar.  Win-win. 
 Ready for our adventure
 Grace was REALLY into posing this day

 They are quite the crew

 Children's garden

 Story time songs
 Grace and Hannah cousin love:)
 Wy man with his rainbow picture

 This picture would be so sweet if it weren't for Madi completely photo bombing it


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