Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Fun

We are really enjoying our summer and wishing it would stop going so dang fast.  We've been going to story time, playing outside, watching soccer games (two weeks left then tournaments for Madi on 7/25!), Madi had her first official sleepover at a friend's house, and we started babysitting 3 days per week for a little girl who was in Grace's 4K class and her baby sister.  Today was one of the warmer days we've had so far so we took out the slip & slide, water table, and some other fun outside toys and I think we wore the kids right out.  Sarah and the twins joined us and everyone had so much fun!
 Hannah was sooo funny; every time she got water in her face she got this terribly offended look on her face.

 This is cute little Katie, one of the little girls we're babysitting during July. 
 Watch out, Hattie has two pool noodles and she knows how to use them!
 Grace was the only one who really got the concept of the slip & slide and she LOVED every minute of it:)

 Hannah wanted to "tan" with the big girls!
 All the kids enjoyed a popsicle, or two because we kept having popsicle casualties:)
 The twins made a new friend
 Poor Wyatt was even more outnumbered than usual today, 7:1.
 You see, we don't give our kids anything to drink around here so they have to resort to drinking from the slip & slide:)

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