Sunday, July 12, 2015

Music in the Park

After kind of a rotten day at our house (kids not behaving, calling the police for a girl wandering the street, kids going get the point:)  we had a pretty perfect end to it.  On Sunday evenings local bands take turns playing at Music in the Park, at a park a couple blocks from my mom and dad's house.  My sister was playing with the Pulaski Community Band tonight so we went to check it out.  It was the most beautiful night and it was such a nice, relaxing, time after a not so great day.  Looking forward to enjoying it for the rest of the summer; such a nice way to end a weekend!

 I adore how Wyatt's little legs are crossed with his cowboy boots on (which, by the way, he insists on wearing to story time, church, the park...:)

The girls with Auntie Kaci-Wyatt was playing at the park and much too busy to pose for a picture!

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