Monday, July 6, 2015

4th of July Fun

Dave took the kids to his mom and dad's house for the weekend and they had a jam packed weekend of fun.  I stayed home and enjoyed some quality time with my mom and got lots done at home; cleaned the house, bedding, rugs, camper, car, and carpet, and also managed to get in some reading, running, walking, church, grocery shopping, and food prepping.  Dave took TONS of pictures so I could see all the fun they had and Dave and his dad were great about sending me pictures throughout the weekend, thanks guys!  I missed Dave and the kids and I think they may have missed me too; I think Dave has a better understanding of what I do all day;)  I don't know how many times Wyatt said, "I bud (love) you mama," when they got home.  He just melts my heart.  Here's a handful of pictures from their weekend!
 They enjoyed two different beaches.  Grace cracks me up in this picture:)

 I had to laugh at Dave's picture of this group using  a selfie stick, lol.
 Unfortunately, Grace's swim suit did not make it through this.
 Roasting marshmallows!
 Dave sent me a picture, like the one of Grace above, that said, "so, this happened."  He wasn't sure quite how it happened but I asked Grace the next day and she told me she was saving her cousin, Callie, from falling out of her chair.  I thought that was so sweet then Madi told me that Grace may have been rocking Callie's chair back and forth, causing the fall.  I don't think I'll ever know the real story:)

 Madi trying out the cool sword fireworks we got.  Grace didn't want to do hers so she let cousin Carter do it instead.  Grandpa helped Wyatt with his. 

 Parade time!
 Madi sharing some candy with the little boy next to them at the parade.  Such a good kid!
 Just chillin'!
 Waiting for fireworks to start
 Sweet big sis cuddling baby brother who had just woken up. 
 Meeting of the minds
 Showing off the pinwheels they made
 Annual cousin picture; 1st born-6th born
 I can't believe she held it!
 Canoe ride with Grandpa
Everyone heading back in after a weekend of fun!

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