Thursday, July 2, 2015

2 Year stats, shots, and story time

We had Wyatt's 2 year well check this morning and took Grace to get the last couple shots she needed before starting Kindergarten this fall.  For being such a brute when he was born, Wyatt is quite a little runt now.  He is just over 25lbs. (20th percentile) and 2'9" tall (22nd percentile).  I attribute it to the fact that he is only sitting still when he is asleep since he is such a good eater and the first thing he says in the morning when he gets up is "num, num." He did great at his checkup and Dr. said one of his tubes has fallen out and the 2nd one looks like it will fall out soon.  Fingers crossed we will remain ear infection free! 
We enjoyed story time this morning too at our local coffee shop.  The owner puts on THE BEST story time for the kids.  They always do activities, read books, do a craft, and she gives them all juices and sometimes cookies or smoothies.  We look forward to it every week and have fun with cousins, Hannah & Hattie, there too!  Sarah and I look forward to our weekly coffee too:)
 Gathered around to listed to the stories. 
 She gave all the kids a sticker; Wyatt kept his on his mouth or head
 Hattie bug
 Wyatt and Hattie busy coloring-Hannah had to make a trip to the car for a diaper change:)

 Kisses for Madi
 Madi working hard on her flag project

 Wyatt and Hannah:)
Madi's finished product and Grace's not-so-finished product. 

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