Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One Happy Girl

Our summer started with a little (okay, some days a lot) of fighting between the girls among other less than stellar behaviors.  We decided we'd take a different approach than punishing them so we came up with an incentive for good behavior; have 7 days without any problems (they did get 1 warning each day) and they could choose a friend to come along with us to the place of their choice-the zoo, Bay Beach, movies, etc.  This worked very well for Madi (we'll talk about Grace another day;) and she had quickly earned a day with a friend at Bay Beach.  Well, life happened and while I promised her we would get there, it just hadn't happened yet.  So, yesterday I texted her friend's mom and asked if she could go to Bay Beach with us today, all without Madi knowing.  We got ready to go to Green Bay this morning, them thinking we were just going for boring old groceries, and made a pit-stop at her friends house.  When her friend came out, the look on Madi's face was priceless.  We were at Bay Beach for about 3 hours and all the kids had so much fun.  They decided on the mall for lunch so everyone could pick out what they wanted to eat.  The girls wanted to go in Justice and had a fun time shopping while mommy found some awesome deals.  Sorry it took me so long to make good on my promise sweet girl...hope you had a fun day! 
 Wyatt, Madi, Izzy, and Gracie
 Love the look on Grace's face

 Trying to take a selfie of all of us with a huge camera didn't work out so well.  Madi said that's why I need an iPhone.  Selfies aren't really my thing anyway so I'll stick with my dumb phone:)
 Ferris wheel
 It's too bright to look up at you!

 Look ma, no hands!
 He was yelling at the top of his lungs, he loved it!
 The looks on their faces make me so happy
 Wyatt was trying to steer both wheels at the same time
 Pure joy
 More yelling
 Grace was loving the swings

 Hard to pick them out, but Madi and Izzy on the swings
 I think this was Wyatt's favorite
 This girl is trouble

 These dirty buggers attacked Grace, Wyatt, and I.  Both kids were screaming and we spilled our soda.  Then some teenage boys came to our rescue and got them to leave us alone so I could calm my kids down.  Thankful for the good Samaritans we encountered today:)


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