Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Born to Polka

After dentist appointments for the whole family this morning (all of us cavity free and the cleanest teeth award given to mommy:), we dropped Madi off at summer school and headed to story time at the library.  Pulaski Polka Days begins tomorrow night and the kids got to gear up a bit for it with a Polka story, Piggies in a Polka, Polka songs and dancing, and they even got to play a note on the concertina!
 Practicing their Polka moves.  Wyatt is REALLY into boots right now.  He has to wear these green mud boots or his cowboy boots everywhere. 

This girl is nuts!  She was "Born to Polka!"
The kids each got to try out the concertina!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Music in the Park

After kind of a rotten day at our house (kids not behaving, calling the police for a girl wandering the street, kids going get the point:)  we had a pretty perfect end to it.  On Sunday evenings local bands take turns playing at Music in the Park, at a park a couple blocks from my mom and dad's house.  My sister was playing with the Pulaski Community Band tonight so we went to check it out.  It was the most beautiful night and it was such a nice, relaxing, time after a not so great day.  Looking forward to enjoying it for the rest of the summer; such a nice way to end a weekend!

 I adore how Wyatt's little legs are crossed with his cowboy boots on (which, by the way, he insists on wearing to story time, church, the park...:)

The girls with Auntie Kaci-Wyatt was playing at the park and much too busy to pose for a picture!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Fun

We are really enjoying our summer and wishing it would stop going so dang fast.  We've been going to story time, playing outside, watching soccer games (two weeks left then tournaments for Madi on 7/25!), Madi had her first official sleepover at a friend's house, and we started babysitting 3 days per week for a little girl who was in Grace's 4K class and her baby sister.  Today was one of the warmer days we've had so far so we took out the slip & slide, water table, and some other fun outside toys and I think we wore the kids right out.  Sarah and the twins joined us and everyone had so much fun!
 Hannah was sooo funny; every time she got water in her face she got this terribly offended look on her face.

 This is cute little Katie, one of the little girls we're babysitting during July. 
 Watch out, Hattie has two pool noodles and she knows how to use them!
 Grace was the only one who really got the concept of the slip & slide and she LOVED every minute of it:)

 Hannah wanted to "tan" with the big girls!
 All the kids enjoyed a popsicle, or two because we kept having popsicle casualties:)
 The twins made a new friend
 Poor Wyatt was even more outnumbered than usual today, 7:1.
 You see, we don't give our kids anything to drink around here so they have to resort to drinking from the slip & slide:)

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Grace is watching Barbie videos on the computer and she said to me, "Mom, one girl's name is Grace, but the say gracias."  She cracks me up:)

Monday, July 6, 2015

4th of July Fun

Dave took the kids to his mom and dad's house for the weekend and they had a jam packed weekend of fun.  I stayed home and enjoyed some quality time with my mom and got lots done at home; cleaned the house, bedding, rugs, camper, car, and carpet, and also managed to get in some reading, running, walking, church, grocery shopping, and food prepping.  Dave took TONS of pictures so I could see all the fun they had and Dave and his dad were great about sending me pictures throughout the weekend, thanks guys!  I missed Dave and the kids and I think they may have missed me too; I think Dave has a better understanding of what I do all day;)  I don't know how many times Wyatt said, "I bud (love) you mama," when they got home.  He just melts my heart.  Here's a handful of pictures from their weekend!
 They enjoyed two different beaches.  Grace cracks me up in this picture:)

 I had to laugh at Dave's picture of this group using  a selfie stick, lol.
 Unfortunately, Grace's swim suit did not make it through this.
 Roasting marshmallows!
 Dave sent me a picture, like the one of Grace above, that said, "so, this happened."  He wasn't sure quite how it happened but I asked Grace the next day and she told me she was saving her cousin, Callie, from falling out of her chair.  I thought that was so sweet then Madi told me that Grace may have been rocking Callie's chair back and forth, causing the fall.  I don't think I'll ever know the real story:)

 Madi trying out the cool sword fireworks we got.  Grace didn't want to do hers so she let cousin Carter do it instead.  Grandpa helped Wyatt with his. 

 Parade time!
 Madi sharing some candy with the little boy next to them at the parade.  Such a good kid!
 Just chillin'!
 Waiting for fireworks to start
 Sweet big sis cuddling baby brother who had just woken up. 
 Meeting of the minds
 Showing off the pinwheels they made
 Annual cousin picture; 1st born-6th born
 I can't believe she held it!
 Canoe ride with Grandpa
Everyone heading back in after a weekend of fun!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

2 Year stats, shots, and story time

We had Wyatt's 2 year well check this morning and took Grace to get the last couple shots she needed before starting Kindergarten this fall.  For being such a brute when he was born, Wyatt is quite a little runt now.  He is just over 25lbs. (20th percentile) and 2'9" tall (22nd percentile).  I attribute it to the fact that he is only sitting still when he is asleep since he is such a good eater and the first thing he says in the morning when he gets up is "num, num." He did great at his checkup and Dr. said one of his tubes has fallen out and the 2nd one looks like it will fall out soon.  Fingers crossed we will remain ear infection free! 
We enjoyed story time this morning too at our local coffee shop.  The owner puts on THE BEST story time for the kids.  They always do activities, read books, do a craft, and she gives them all juices and sometimes cookies or smoothies.  We look forward to it every week and have fun with cousins, Hannah & Hattie, there too!  Sarah and I look forward to our weekly coffee too:)
 Gathered around to listed to the stories. 
 She gave all the kids a sticker; Wyatt kept his on his mouth or head
 Hattie bug
 Wyatt and Hattie busy coloring-Hannah had to make a trip to the car for a diaper change:)

 Kisses for Madi
 Madi working hard on her flag project

 Wyatt and Hannah:)
Madi's finished product and Grace's not-so-finished product.