Thursday, August 23, 2012

And Life Goes On

It's been two weeks now since my surgery.  Physically I feel fine but emotionally there are good days and bad days, today was a bad day.  Today I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm hurt, I'm frustrated.  Dave and I try to always stay positive and always keep our faith in hard times but the last two years, and especially the last two months, have really been trying.  We try to be good people and do good so what did we do, or didn't do, to deserve losing three of the people we loved most in this world, losing our baby, Dave losing his job and Dave having to have surgery all in less than two years?  Today I found out that I need to continue weekly visits to my dr. to have my blood drawn until my HcG hormone levels are back down to 0.  Why do most people never even know that they've had a miscarraige and we've been going through this for over 2 months now?  And then there's the hospital bills; it makes me sick to think that it's going to cost more to not have a baby than it would have if we would've had our baby in March.  It just feels like it's a never ending battle lately; the brake lines on Dave's truck, the nail in my tire, or my vacume that decided to quit working today.  Today a friend reminded me, "This too shall pass," I sure hope she's right.  So, there it is, my pitty party.  It doesn't happed that often but today I just needed to get some things off my chest, thanks for listening. 

1 comment:

Erin said...

Lexie, you are a strong, amazing woman. The challenges you are facing are definitely hard but God wouldn't have given them to you if He didn't think you could handle it. Keep your chin up and have a good cry.