Friday, August 10, 2012

Westward Bound

Our big excitement so far this summer was our trip to Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.  We were gone for a week, went through 6 states and covered almost 3000 on our journey!  We had a great time and made some great memories along the way.  Here are some of the highlights though it was really hard to pick because the whole trip was awesome.  
 On our first night of the trip we made it to Dickinson, ND and stayed with Doug's Godparents, my mom's aunt & uncle, for the night.  We had such a great time visiting with them and eating Auntie Jane's wonderful cooking.  The next morning we headed to Grassy Butte, ND to visit Granny and Grandpa's graves.  We left some things for them and Madi picked some of the weeds from their grave sites.  It was hard to see how "fresh" Granny's grave still was but I am so thankful we were able to stop.   
 Madi and Grace at the Billings, MT zoo.  We visited the zoo with Auntie Laurel, Aunt Sally, cousin Bella and her little brother.  Grace was SOOO happy to see this giraffe!
 Visiting Grandma Norma at the nursing home.  The nursing home was amazing and it was so good to see Grandma and Aunt Jane doing so well. 
 This is one of my favorite pictures, Madi looking at the horses.  She and Grace both rode while we were there and LOVED every minute of it. 
 The girls along the Cook City Highway.  It was so beautiful!
 Grace enjoying the Cody, WY Rodeo...or maybe enjoying the pretzel she's eating, I can't tell:)  This kid fell asleep before the rodeo was over. 
 Me, Dave and the girls at Mt. Rushmore.  Grace called it, "the big people."  She gets so excited every time she sees a picture of it now and says, "I go there." 
 Wyoming and Wisconsin state flags, my home and my home away from home!
 Our last stop on our way home was THE Wall Drug.  There were signs for miles and miles leading up to this place.  It was pretty impressive.
We had such a great trip and it was so great to see so much of our family and I was able to have lunch with one of my amazing college friends, Steph.  It was so good to see her and Andy even though he got stuck eating lunch with 5 girls!  My Aunt Laurel and Uncle Charlie are truly the host and hostess with the mostess, it was so great staying with them.  The first night we got there the kids had ridden horses, made slime, roasted marshmallows over the camp fire and we had a wonderful family dinner.  Uncle Charlie took Dave and my brother up in the mountains on horseback to do some trout fishing, they had an amazing time and it was an experience they will never forget.  We were spoiled with Laurel's excellent cooking and we all came home 5lbs. heavier I'm sure from all our eating out and our discovery of Mooya, a new burger chain in Billings. 

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