Friday, August 10, 2012

Check...and check

Despite all the chaos of the last few weeks, we are making progress on the little Summer Bucket List of ours, checking things off left and right (this is perfect for my type A personality, I love checking things off of the lists I make;)  Anyways, we've been having lots of fun so here's a little peek!
 We spent the weekend before the 4th up at Dave's parents house and spent one of the days boating/playing at the beach.  The kids had a blast and swam like little fishes all day!
 The girls had their first "water balloon fight."  Here's an action shot of Grace trying to get Madi:) 
 We had a great time at the annual Breakfast on the Farm with Paul, Erin, Carter and little miss Callie.  Here's me and all the kids riding the train:)
 We made a trip to Bay Beach one morning then followed by a picnic lunch on the bay, it was a beautiful day...aren't they just the cutest little bugs you've ever seen???
 And here's our new firepit that we finished at the beginning of the summer!  We also made an awesome sandbox for the girls.  Our backyard is really looking nice if I do say so myself!

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