Saturday, September 1, 2012

Madi's First Packer Game

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of Madi and the date she got to go on with her dad this past week. On August 30th, Dave took Madi to her first Packer Game and to dinner at McDonalds! Madi (and daddy) had a great time:)
Me to Madi:  "What was your favorite part of the game?"
Madi:  "the big planes going over"
(I will admit, this is one of my favorite parts too, when the jets fly over the stadium at the start of each game-pretty amazing for big people and little people too I guess!)
Grandma to Madi:  "Did you help the Packers win?"
Madi:  "I don't know if they won."
Grandma:  "Did you stay until the end of the game?"
Madi:  "I don't know."
Grandma: "What did you buy with the money I gave you for a treat."
Madi:  "Popcorn and water."
So, as you can see she may not have paid all that much attention to the game but she was very attentive to the treats available at the game:)  Dave said she also thought "the wave" was pretty cool:)

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