Saturday, November 26, 2011

In a funk

I feel like I've been in sort of a "funk" lately. Every once in a while I get to feeling like the only thing that defines "me" is being a mom and that I've lost "me" somewhere in the mix of life. Sometimes my daily routines just really get to me and I feel like nothing more than the family cook, maid, accountant, etc., etc. It's been especially hard lately because Dave has been putting in some LONG hours while adjusting to his new job. I understand that it has to be done, it's just really hard doing it alone some days. But, today I'm sitting here in my empty house and I realize just how lonely it is without my girls here; they are what makes me tick and I can't imagine my life without them (they are up north at Grandpa & Grandma's house with Dave for 2 days by the way). So, no matter how crazy our house is sometimes, I have to remember that a quiet house is just not for me, I miss my two little turkeys:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mama Nuts

The dogs were really getting on my nerves today so I told Grace, "the puppies are going to drive mama nuts today." Being her sweet little self she replied, "mama nuts." Sometimes all it takes is your almost two year old to really put things into perspective:) Isn't she so stinkin' cute though??? Here she is with big sister's swimming suit bottoms on her head thinking she is the funniest thing to walk the earth (don't worry, they were clean;).

Monday, November 14, 2011

A little of this & a little of that

My two love bugs and I out trick-or-treating service?

Madi & Auntie Kaci on Kaci's birthday with her gifts from us-Badger hat & flip camcorder

Sorry Gracie, wrong season:( The water table is going bye-bye for the year.

Playing outside after the first snowfall of the year.

Just a little of what's been going on with us. Nothing super exciting but keeping busy as usual. We went to Eau Claire to be with my baby sis on her 19th b-day (wow, that means I'm going to be 29 next month:( We had so much fun seeing her, Madi cried when we first saw her and when we left; we haven't seen Kaci since before Labor Day and Madi was so happy to see her she was so sweet. We ordered in pizza, went swimming and had cupcakes & ice cream. It was great until on our way home when we hit snow and quite possibly the worst roads I have EVER driven on. We all thanked God when we made it home safely. We are looking forward to the holidays, can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already, how crazy is that???

Monday, November 7, 2011

What will they remember...

This is so true. I'm so thankful to my mom for this, she gave us kids the most amazing example of what kind of person to be. It wasn't by her telling us, but by doing it herself. Now it's up to me to do the same for my girls; what do I want them to remember???

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Halloween Fun

For Madi's teacher for Halloween:)
Other side; filled with pumpkin chocolate chip muffins!

Jello jigglers jack-o-lantern I made for Madi's class Halloween party. From what I hear it was a big hit but all the kids wanted the orange jello:)

Madi had a playdate today and this was their lunch-mummy dogs, ghost cheese, apple teeth, ghoulish grapes, freaky fries and creepy crawly jello:)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today Madi and Grace were on the floor "reading" books. Madi was reading a book with quotes about Grace, not her sister Grace, but Grace. She said something to the about "scared the bejesus out of them." I said, "Madisyn, what did you say?" and she looked at me like, what mom? I told her maybe a better thing to say would be scared the bejeebers out of them. Still, she looked at me like I was crazy. She said, "but mom, I'm reading this book," and held up the book on Grace. Apparently since she was ready a religious type book she found it only fitting to use bejesus instead of bejeebers:)

A Trip to Lam"Boo" Field

The girlies at Lambeau Field
Daddy & Madi

Daddy & Gracie bug

Got to decorate cookies at Lambeau Field and Madi was very happy with hers:)

Deranged Barney, I mean Grace, just wanted to lick the frosting off of her knife the entire time; didn't care one bit about the cookie (lucky for mommy & daddy who got to eat it:)

I L-O-V-E this time of the year, there is always something fun to do on the weekends. This weekend we took the girls to Lambeau Field for their Spooktacular Fun event. The girls enjoyed decorating and eating their cookies (and frosting) the best. We came back to Pulaski & took them "Trunk-or-Treating" at the Lutheran Church. People had the trunks of their cars decorated and were handing out candy, a very cute event. After church this morning we went to the zoo since that's all Grace can seem to think about lately. We got there right as they opened and strolled around for a couple hours by ourselves for the most part & the girls fed the giraffes too, it was such a great morning. Back to work & school tomorrow:(

Friday, October 14, 2011

How Tall This Fall???

Dave & Madi 2009-Madisyn 3 years
2010-Madisyn 4 years & getting bigger!

2011-Madisyn 5 years and looking so grown up!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rain Gutter Bookshelves

I saw this idea a while back and these adorable shelves have finally made their way to Madi's bedroom! I am super happy with how they turned out and I LOVE them with the Dr. Seuss quote I picked out which my friend Kellen so kindly made into a wall decal for me. The girls love it and I'm looking for two small chairs or a small bench to complete their little reading area.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Perfect Kind of Day

Today started out just as many other Saturdays; I got up, went to work, Dave stayed home with the girls, nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't until tonight that I realized what a perfect kind of day it had really been. After work we went and picked Madi up from a b-day party she had been at. They went bowling (her first time!) and she was grinning from ear to ear, insisting that the whole family needs to go bowling now. We had a little lunch then went to grab a few groceries. When we got to the store they had bounce houses set up and games for the kids. The girls had a blast and we got a pumpkin shaped cookie for the road. We stopped at Shopko and did some browsing for ideas for Christmas gifts then headed to church. When we got home Dave decided it was a perfect night for a fire in the fire pit so we had an impromptu dinner of hotdogs roasted on the fire followed by a few marshmallows. The girls were so happy; watching how much fun they had and seeing them dancing around the yard was priceless. It's days like these that help you forget all the "grown-up" issues for a while. What a wonderful, perfect day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Man of Value

I just have to take a minute to say how proud I am of my husband. On Friday, Dave was let go from his job. We were, and still are, in total shock. We have cried alot of tears in the last few days and spent alot of time wondering, "what are we going to do?" Though we still aren't sure exactly what we're going to do, I do know that something good is going to come of this and Dave will find a job he deserves. Since Dave shared the news with some of his former customers, he has received many calls from people interested in talking with him and possibly hiring him. The calls have come as a result of his old customers making calls to people they know on his behalf and sharing what a good guy Dave is with them. I don't know a greater compliment. I'm so proud of my hubby!

In case I haven't mentioned it lately....

I love my girls, aren't they the cutest?? (even when they're not looking at the camera!This is the message Madi left me in my shower with her bath paints, how sweet is she?

This is what I did on my day off today, not bad if I do say so myself! Made one crockpot full of chicken soup & one of beef stew; enough for at least two dinners for us and 6 lunches for Dave! Also made mini pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for the girls, they are sooo good & sooo easy-one box of yellow cake mix and one can of pumpkin, THAT'S IT!! I added mini chocolate chips and baked the mini muffins for about 15 minutes. Super yummy!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pumpkins Painting Pumpkins

My little artist Madi painted her pumpkin complete with a picture of Ga, her cat and Willie-not a good picture but I didn't want to expose the poor thing too much. We opted to save their shirts by taking them off before we started; as you will see from the next picture this proved to be a good decision. Case in point, Grace. More paint on her body than on the pumpkin and apparently she likes green.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Girl & Her Dog

Willie cuddling with Madisyn who is feeling sick today.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Age of Technology

We were down in the basement today and Madisyn saw our old computer monitor. She asked Dave, "is this your old t.v.?" Yes, it is a little on the huge side, but t.v. size?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love Lives On

Those we love remain with us

for love itself lives on,

And cherished memories never fade

because a loved one's gone...

Those we love can never be

more than a thought apart,

For as long as there is memory,

they'll live on in the heart.

We can't believe it's been a year since you left us. We love you and miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. Our hearts are still broken and tears still come often but we know you and Grandpa are looking down on us everyday. It's been hard lately, I just want to talk to you. You always understood some of my struggles and you were always there to give advice. Today Willie went to the vet to get a check-up and to be groomed because we know that would make you happy; you both spoiled him so much:) I am making roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad and corn on the cob for dinner tonight because that was a meal you always made so wonderfully and we enjoyed so many times with you. My mom is bringing an apple pie for dessert and although she swears she can't make the crust like you taught her, I'm sure it will be delicious. Know that we are thinking of you today, just as we do everyday. We love you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Could it really be???

No, you are not seeing things. Yes, this is my van, and yes, it is the ONLY car in the Chuck E Cheese parking lot. I had to take a picture knowing that it may never happen again.

P.S. We were at Chuck E Cheese today celebrating Madisyn FINALLY staying in her bed all night. She's been at it for about a week now and we are thrilled (and alot less tired!). It took a little tough love (or punishing) as Madi called it, but we finally broke her of her habit of coming in our room everynight. Grace also used the potty again last night so we had to celebrate that too! Hooray for my girls!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maybe we should to go Minnesota.....

I went to pick up the girls from my mom's house today and while I was there Madi and my mom were playing barbies. Madi was the boy barbie, "Joe" and my mom was the girl barbie, "Barbie". The two decided that they would go on a date and Joe quickly asked Barbie to marry him. Barbie agreed because Joe was very rich:) They got married and Barbie told Joe that now they should go on a very expensive honeymoon. Joe quickly said, "maybe we should to to Minnesota." It wasn't Barbie's first choice but it made for a good laugh:)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Our Goddaughter Callie Elizabeth Reed
Baptized September 18, 2011

Come One, Come All To The Greatest Show On Earth

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease-The Birthday Girl Madisyn
Madi's friends at her party-Brooke, Madi (and Willie), Jacob and Hailey

Grace and Uncle Doug enjoying the party

Madi's beautiful birthday cake created by Grandma Hoverson

Ice cold lemonade


Balloons up to heaven for Great Grandpa & Grandma Reed

and Great Grandpa and Granny Heiser

Saturday, September 10, 2011 we celebrated Madisyn's 5th Birthday. We celebrated circus style complete with popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts, corn dogs, jumbo pretzels, nachos, sno-cones and ice cold lemonade. It was a beautiful day spent with family and some of Madisyn's friends. Madisyn was spoiled with lots of fun toys, beautiful clothes, some money and a new bike from Ga & Papa. Thanks to all who helped us celebrate!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday to Madisyn

My Dear, Sweet Madisyn, where have the last 5 years gone? I still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I can't believe my little girl is 5! You are such a wonderful little girl; so beautiful, smart, funny, creative and such an amazing big sissy to Grace. You grew up in the blink of an eye and now you're in school and you played soccer and you are little miss independent as you always have been. I love you more than words can say and I hope this year is full of excitement because that's what you bring us everyday:) Happy Birthday to my little girl, I LOVE YOU!!!

I love you Granny

The warm and fuzzy memories that Grandma left behind are just what you'd expect from someone oh, so kind. The comfort and encouragement, the extra piece of pie, the special hugs and kisses make it hard to say "Goodbye." I'll always miss my Grandma for she meant the world to me, and so I'll always cherish every precious memory. And when she got to Heaven I know Jeuss felt the same; I'll bet that He was happy that my Grandma finally came.

In loving memory


April 13, 1930- September 1, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Madi is always asking me what words mean. The other day she asked me what "busted" meant. I thought about the best way to put it in 4 year old terms and ended up telling her that it means you got caught (as opposed to being broken, I knew that was not the meaning she was looking for). She thought about it and said, "remember the time we got busted in the rain?" Once we were at the park and we got caught in the rain and had to run home. Slightly out of context but very good use on her part:) Tonight she and Grace were playing in the sandbox and Madi comes running, "Mom, I just busted Grace; she was eating sand." She then turns around and tells Grace, "Grace I was just kidding that sand is not cookies." Who got busted on that one?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Missing You

The girls leaving flowers where Grandpa & Grandma Reed's ashes will be buried
I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too,
I think of you in silence I often speak your name
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake with which I’ll never part
God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart

We miss you more than anyone could ever imagine and think about you both each and everyday. Our lives just are not the same without you here. We had a beautiful weekend in Ashland this weekend and understand why you loved it so much; we just wish you could've been there with us physically. We love you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Yes, that's us; we've been missing in action from the blog world. I think about our blog often and know I need to be better about posting since I'm not really the scrapbooking type and I want to have this for the girls. So...I will do my best to keep up on it a little bit better:) So, what have we been up to??? I'll fill you in!


Being the best man in my little brother's wedding. He did a great job-so glad that the two of them get along so well. Like Dave said in his speech, Doug is his "brother from another mother."

Building this massive shed. In all reality I should've put up all pictures of this shed since it is consuming Dave's life. This "little" project began Memorial Day weekend and is yet to be finished. Maybe by Labor Day???
Spending LOTS of $ at Menards for this little shed project! Yes, this is our receipt from one trip!

Having a wonderful time at Doug & Sarah's wedding. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! It was so much fun (minus my kids being naughty) and it was soooo good to see friends and family who came. Couldn't ask for a better sis-in-law!

Catching up with old friends at my 10 year high school reunion! Man do I feel old:) It was so good to see some of my old friends who I miss dearly. Apparently people in Wyoming don't drink beverages that contain lemonade; two different occasions I was looked at like I was nuts:)

Holding cute Miss Ellie George! What a doll she is! I took a solo trip to Wyoming to meet Ellie (and visit the rest of the George family too) and go to my class reunion. It was great to see them and it might have made me a little baby hungry-then I came home and remembered that I have a hard enough time controlling the two I have and I snapped out of it:)


Riding camels with Auntie Kaci at the Milwaukee Zoo. The day before I left for Wyoming we took a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo; it was a beautiful day and we had so much fun!

Going to the zoo here with her friend Hailey. They haven't gotten to play since the end of preschool so they were very happy to see eachother. I overheard Hailey tell Madi in the backseat, "I missed you Madisyn." So cute:) Madi also went to summer school for two weeks. She had fun, minus when she had to leave mom each morning.

Kicking butt at soccer. Now that Madi will finally get out on the field and play she is quite the soccer player. She has two goals under her belt; one for her team and one for the opponent:)Grace:

Being the cutest little one year old I know. Actually, tomorrow she will be a year and a half!!! Where does the time go?

Loving being able to play outside. She would stay outside 24 hours a day if you let her. Here she is after taking a drink from her water table; she also likes to climb in it and use it for her swimming pool!

Enjoying some ice cream. How one little girl can make such a mess with everything amazes me every time she eats:) Grace is the most adventerous and crazy little girl I have ever met.

Well, that's our summer so far in a nutshell. I will try to be a better blogger:)