Sunday, September 18, 2011

Come One, Come All To The Greatest Show On Earth

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease-The Birthday Girl Madisyn
Madi's friends at her party-Brooke, Madi (and Willie), Jacob and Hailey

Grace and Uncle Doug enjoying the party

Madi's beautiful birthday cake created by Grandma Hoverson

Ice cold lemonade


Balloons up to heaven for Great Grandpa & Grandma Reed

and Great Grandpa and Granny Heiser

Saturday, September 10, 2011 we celebrated Madisyn's 5th Birthday. We celebrated circus style complete with popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts, corn dogs, jumbo pretzels, nachos, sno-cones and ice cold lemonade. It was a beautiful day spent with family and some of Madisyn's friends. Madisyn was spoiled with lots of fun toys, beautiful clothes, some money and a new bike from Ga & Papa. Thanks to all who helped us celebrate!

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