Monday, November 14, 2011

A little of this & a little of that

My two love bugs and I out trick-or-treating service?

Madi & Auntie Kaci on Kaci's birthday with her gifts from us-Badger hat & flip camcorder

Sorry Gracie, wrong season:( The water table is going bye-bye for the year.

Playing outside after the first snowfall of the year.

Just a little of what's been going on with us. Nothing super exciting but keeping busy as usual. We went to Eau Claire to be with my baby sis on her 19th b-day (wow, that means I'm going to be 29 next month:( We had so much fun seeing her, Madi cried when we first saw her and when we left; we haven't seen Kaci since before Labor Day and Madi was so happy to see her she was so sweet. We ordered in pizza, went swimming and had cupcakes & ice cream. It was great until on our way home when we hit snow and quite possibly the worst roads I have EVER driven on. We all thanked God when we made it home safely. We are looking forward to the holidays, can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already, how crazy is that???

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