Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Trip to Lam"Boo" Field

The girlies at Lambeau Field
Daddy & Madi

Daddy & Gracie bug

Got to decorate cookies at Lambeau Field and Madi was very happy with hers:)

Deranged Barney, I mean Grace, just wanted to lick the frosting off of her knife the entire time; didn't care one bit about the cookie (lucky for mommy & daddy who got to eat it:)

I L-O-V-E this time of the year, there is always something fun to do on the weekends. This weekend we took the girls to Lambeau Field for their Spooktacular Fun event. The girls enjoyed decorating and eating their cookies (and frosting) the best. We came back to Pulaski & took them "Trunk-or-Treating" at the Lutheran Church. People had the trunks of their cars decorated and were handing out candy, a very cute event. After church this morning we went to the zoo since that's all Grace can seem to think about lately. We got there right as they opened and strolled around for a couple hours by ourselves for the most part & the girls fed the giraffes too, it was such a great morning. Back to work & school tomorrow:(

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