Saturday, November 26, 2011

In a funk

I feel like I've been in sort of a "funk" lately. Every once in a while I get to feeling like the only thing that defines "me" is being a mom and that I've lost "me" somewhere in the mix of life. Sometimes my daily routines just really get to me and I feel like nothing more than the family cook, maid, accountant, etc., etc. It's been especially hard lately because Dave has been putting in some LONG hours while adjusting to his new job. I understand that it has to be done, it's just really hard doing it alone some days. But, today I'm sitting here in my empty house and I realize just how lonely it is without my girls here; they are what makes me tick and I can't imagine my life without them (they are up north at Grandpa & Grandma's house with Dave for 2 days by the way). So, no matter how crazy our house is sometimes, I have to remember that a quiet house is just not for me, I miss my two little turkeys:)

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