Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!

Madi trick-or-treating with one of her Prince Charmings, Papa
Madi and Daddy
What did ya give me Grandma Great?
So cute!
Halloween "treat" from Mommy & Daddy, the new Tinkerbell movie
We had such an eventful weekend this past weekend; wedding on Friday, baby shower and Halloween on Saturday and Packer parking on Sunday. It was all so much fun and Madi had a great Halloween. She went up and down our street with Daddy and Papa, spending most of her time and getting most of her candy from Great-Grandpa and Grandma Reed's house:) She looked so cute in her Snow White costume and what more could a girl ask for than to have two Prince Charmings to take her trick-or-treating. I put together all the fixin's for nachos at our house and Ga and Papa, Uncle Paul, Auntie Erin and Carter, Uncle Doug and Sarah and Great-Grandma Reed and Aunt Kathy all joined us for dinner. Then Madi headed home with Ga and Papa for the sleepover they'd been planning for weeks; the perfect way to end Halloween...send my sugar loaded child home with Grandpa and Grandma:)

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