Thursday, November 19, 2009

No fun

I got a call from my doctor today that I'm pretty bummed about. During my standard 1-hour glucose screening test last week my glucose levels came back elevated. The normal range is 70-140 and mine came back at 164. It's standard for them to do a 3-hour test now which I will do next Wednesday. I will have to follow a high carb diet for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and go in to the doctor fasting next Wednesday. They will draw blood right away when I come in and then each hour while I'm there. I was just thinking this morning that I hadn't heard anything and they told me no news is good news so I thought I was good to go. Please say an extra little prayer that everything will come back normal.


Erin said...

Good luck!

Melanie said...

Bummer! My levels were elevated with Leila, so I seriously cut ALL sugar out of my diet for the rest of my pregnancy. The numbers were cut in 1/2 - problem solved!

Good luck! I hope everything comes back okay with the 3 hour test.