Total weight gain: This question wasn't such a good one afterall, this may be the last time I answer it. Just over 20 lbs. so far.
Maternity clothes? Yep, and some of my shirts are too short already and won't cover my belly!
Stretch marks? Not sure if there's any new ones but I still have the ones from Madi.
Sleep: I wish I could say it's getting better but it's not, now I'm hot all the time and I just can't get comfortable.
Sleep: I wish I could say it's getting better but it's not, now I'm hot all the time and I just can't get comfortable.
Best moment this week: All of Gracie's Aunties and her Grandma's threw a baby shower on Saturday, it was so much fun and she got so spoiled already! We did a baby pool and all but one person guessed Grace would be smaller than her sister and everyone guessed she would make her arrival before her due date, February 9th.
Movement: She moves more and more all the time, this morning she was kicking my bladder; as if I don't have to pee enough as it is now she is kicking it:)
Food cravings: Last night I was craving a ham & swiss Market Fresh sandwich from Arbys. Yes, I did get one for dinner!
Movement: She moves more and more all the time, this morning she was kicking my bladder; as if I don't have to pee enough as it is now she is kicking it:)
Food cravings: Last night I was craving a ham & swiss Market Fresh sandwich from Arbys. Yes, I did get one for dinner!
Gender: It's a girl!!! Grace Lori Reed
Labor Signs: No, but I have a feeling the next few months could be VERY long, Grace sits so much differently than Madi did and really makes mommy uncomfortable sometimes:) I've been having alot of lower bachaches lately which I never had with Madi
What I miss: Sleep and not waddling.
What I am looking forward to: Next week we have a Dr. appointment and we will have the 3D/4D ultrasound done. I can hardly wait to get a good look at our little girl.
Labor Signs: No, but I have a feeling the next few months could be VERY long, Grace sits so much differently than Madi did and really makes mommy uncomfortable sometimes:) I've been having alot of lower bachaches lately which I never had with Madi
What I miss: Sleep and not waddling.
What I am looking forward to: Next week we have a Dr. appointment and we will have the 3D/4D ultrasound done. I can hardly wait to get a good look at our little girl.
Weekly Wisdom: Grace is roughly the size of a small pineapple this week and has opened her eyes for the first time, hopefully she likes the view:)
Milestones: This is the last week of my 2nd trimester! 3rd trimester, here we come!!!
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