Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dinner Dance

Super Star!
Madi and Auntie Sarah bustin' some moves.
Me, Dave, Madi with chocolate on her face and Gracie too of course, hidden under the table:)
Doug and Sarah, so cute!
Madi loved the dessert...Mommy and Grace did too, it was delicious!

A week ago Saturday we attended the Veteran's Day Dinner Dance put on by my sister's Jazz band with my mom, brother and Sarah. It was alot of fun, great food and great music. Her band played "dinner music" and then after dinner played some more so people could get out and dance. None of our family is much for dancing (except Madisyn who dragged Sarah out to dance, thanks for being such a good sport Sarah!). It was fun watching the people dancing who actually knew what they were doing! Way to go Pulaski Jazz Band!

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