Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I need to get one of these shirts...

Seriously, it would really allow me to answer so many fewer questions:) I get asked when I'm due often and their response is usually, "oh, wow," with a very suprised look on their face which translates to me as "oh, wow, you're HUGE, I was expecting you to say you were due any day now." Today I am 29 weeks and Grace has been moving a ton lately. I go to the dr. tomorrow for my 3 hour glucose test so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything is fine there. Thank goodness I have my Christmas cards to work on while I'm there, at least I can feel like I'm doing something productive with my day. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
**I would add something to this shirt if I got it-No, I am not having twins. I just walked out of my office at work and someone asked me if I was having twins; that's all, just that, no other hi, hello, how are you, just "are you having twins." I love people sometimes.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dinner Dance

Super Star!
Madi and Auntie Sarah bustin' some moves.
Me, Dave, Madi with chocolate on her face and Gracie too of course, hidden under the table:)
Doug and Sarah, so cute!
Madi loved the dessert...Mommy and Grace did too, it was delicious!

A week ago Saturday we attended the Veteran's Day Dinner Dance put on by my sister's Jazz band with my mom, brother and Sarah. It was alot of fun, great food and great music. Her band played "dinner music" and then after dinner played some more so people could get out and dance. None of our family is much for dancing (except Madisyn who dragged Sarah out to dance, thanks for being such a good sport Sarah!). It was fun watching the people dancing who actually knew what they were doing! Way to go Pulaski Jazz Band!

My Hubby the Mighty Hunter

Dave with his buck. Way to go honey!!!
Notice the green wool pants, "Old Style" beer suspenders and beard...all of these things are now his good luck charms because he has never worn all of them together I guess. Whatever works!

Sesame Street Live

Madi and Mommy before the show.
Happy girl with her cotton candy!

Sesame Street characters dancing.
My blue lipped baby watching the show, she had blue cotton candy and a blue slushy drink:)
More Sesame Street.
Madi and I had a great time again at the Sesame Street Live show. This is the 3rd year we've gone and I think we will continue to make it a tradition until my girls are too big and won't go with me anymore:) Can't wait to include Grace in our fun next year!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

No fun

I got a call from my doctor today that I'm pretty bummed about. During my standard 1-hour glucose screening test last week my glucose levels came back elevated. The normal range is 70-140 and mine came back at 164. It's standard for them to do a 3-hour test now which I will do next Wednesday. I will have to follow a high carb diet for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and go in to the doctor fasting next Wednesday. They will draw blood right away when I come in and then each hour while I'm there. I was just thinking this morning that I hadn't heard anything and they told me no news is good news so I thought I was good to go. Please say an extra little prayer that everything will come back normal.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: This question wasn't such a good one afterall, my last Dr. appointment left me feeling very depressed about this:(
Maternity clothes? Absolutely, my shirts are getting shorter and shorter though!
Stretch marks? Not sure if there's any new ones but I still have the ones from Madi.
Sleep: What's sleep?
Best moment this week: Getting our 3D ultra sound at our last Dr. appointment!
Movement: Grace moves alot and does not like it if I lean up against my desk with my belly.
Food cravings: I wanted a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Weindy's yesterday but I did control myself and drove past:)
Gender: "Still a girl" as our ultrasound tech said last week. Thank goodness, I don't think a little boy would be thrilled with a purple room!
Labor Signs: Lots of bachaches lately. I'm very paranoid now; one lady told me she was due in February and had her baby in December and another lady told me her second baby was 8 weeks early!
What I miss: Sleep and not waddling.
What I am looking forward to: This Saturday Madi and I are going to Sesame Street Live. This will be our 3rd year and I'm really looking forward to a Madi/Mommy day.
Weekly Wisdom: Grace is the size of a Chinese Cabbage (?) this week, weighing roughly 2.5 lbs and about 15 inches long (this is average, I'm willing to bet that my daughter may be a little above average:)
Milestones: We have made it to the 3rd trimester and now begin going to the Dr. every 2 weeks!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Amazing Grace

Big Yawn! Grace Lori Reed-27 weeks, 1 day-November 10, 2009
My little Gracie girl with her foot and hand right by her mouth, it almost looks like she's sucking her toe instead of her thumb!

I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and had my glucose test, got my H1N1 shot and got a glimpse of our little girl! Although she wasn't the most cooperative I think we still got a couple good ones. I can't wait to meet her! Our Dr. appts. go to every 2 weeks now so it's definitely getting closer. Grace is currently breech so please say a prayer that she will get her little self turned around in time for her Birthday otherwise it will likely mean a c-section.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: This question wasn't such a good one afterall, this may be the last time I answer it. Just over 20 lbs. so far.
Maternity clothes? Yep, and some of my shirts are too short already and won't cover my belly!
Stretch marks? Not sure if there's any new ones but I still have the ones from Madi.
Sleep: I wish I could say it's getting better but it's not, now I'm hot all the time and I just can't get comfortable.
Best moment this week: All of Gracie's Aunties and her Grandma's threw a baby shower on Saturday, it was so much fun and she got so spoiled already! We did a baby pool and all but one person guessed Grace would be smaller than her sister and everyone guessed she would make her arrival before her due date, February 9th.
Movement: She moves more and more all the time, this morning she was kicking my bladder; as if I don't have to pee enough as it is now she is kicking it:)
Food cravings: Last night I was craving a ham & swiss Market Fresh sandwich from Arbys. Yes, I did get one for dinner!
Gender: It's a girl!!! Grace Lori Reed
Labor Signs: No, but I have a feeling the next few months could be VERY long, Grace sits so much differently than Madi did and really makes mommy uncomfortable sometimes:) I've been having alot of lower bachaches lately which I never had with Madi
What I miss: Sleep and not waddling.
What I am looking forward to: Next week we have a Dr. appointment and we will have the 3D/4D ultrasound done. I can hardly wait to get a good look at our little girl.
Weekly Wisdom: Grace is roughly the size of a small pineapple this week and has opened her eyes for the first time, hopefully she likes the view:)
Milestones: This is the last week of my 2nd trimester! 3rd trimester, here we come!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!

Madi trick-or-treating with one of her Prince Charmings, Papa
Madi and Daddy
What did ya give me Grandma Great?
So cute!
Halloween "treat" from Mommy & Daddy, the new Tinkerbell movie
We had such an eventful weekend this past weekend; wedding on Friday, baby shower and Halloween on Saturday and Packer parking on Sunday. It was all so much fun and Madi had a great Halloween. She went up and down our street with Daddy and Papa, spending most of her time and getting most of her candy from Great-Grandpa and Grandma Reed's house:) She looked so cute in her Snow White costume and what more could a girl ask for than to have two Prince Charmings to take her trick-or-treating. I put together all the fixin's for nachos at our house and Ga and Papa, Uncle Paul, Auntie Erin and Carter, Uncle Doug and Sarah and Great-Grandma Reed and Aunt Kathy all joined us for dinner. Then Madi headed home with Ga and Papa for the sleepover they'd been planning for weeks; the perfect way to end Halloween...send my sugar loaded child home with Grandpa and Grandma:)

Baby Shower

Madi and I (and Grace too of course) before the shower started.
Some of the yummy food at the shower...it was all soooooooooooo good.
My mom is so clever!
The adorable cake made by my mom.
Punch, cake and party favors.
Saturday Gracie got spoiled at our baby shower, thrown by all of her Aunties and her Grandmas. It was such a nice shower and we got awesome gifts. I really hadn't registered for much of anything, thinking we didn't need alot with Grace being our 2nd girl but everyone found her the cutest things! I can hardly wait to have her here! Thanks to Aunties Erin and Sarah for all their hard work and also to Grandma Reed and Grandma Hoverson. It was a great day!