Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Not so sure about touching the "guts"
Daddy you do it
Taking a minute to strike a pose
Finally time to start carving
She's clapping
Always posing
My favorite people (along with the one in my belly of course!)
The finished product, Snow White!
Madi and her pumpkin
Daddy helped Madi or rather, Madi helped Daddy carve this awesome Snow White pumpkin. Daddy did an awesome job and Madi was along to look cute and pose for pictures:)
On another note, tonight we were listening to the radio and the song "Party like a rockstar" came on. We were kind of singing along and pretty soon Madi starts singning, "I went potty like a rockstar." She is so funny. Tomorrow marks week 25 of this pregnancy and I absolutely cannot wait to meet this little girl. I think since we found out so soon that we were pregnant it seems like it's going so slow. I will post some pictures of Grace's room soon, it is absolutely adorable! We're almost to the point that all we will need to complete it is Grace!

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