Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gray Hair

Last night Madisyn was buttoning up her pajama top and she asked me if I was getting gray hair. I just kind of laughed, having no idea where she was going with that one, and I told her that I didn’t think I was and she kept buttoning. She was taking a very long time but I didn’t say anything to her about hurrying up or anything, just let her go. So she goes, “well Ga is getting gray hair.” Dave and I laughed and I asked her why Ga is getting gray hair and she said, “because she is waiting so long for me to get in the car.” She thought that because I was waiting so long for her to button up her pajamas that I would be getting gray hair too. She is a thinker! So this morning she was unbuttoning her pajamas and I kiddingly said, “Madi, I’m getting gray hair.” She just giggled. I can just hear the conversaion she was having with my mom. I'm sure Madi was taking forever to get in the car as she usually does and my mom was teasing her saying that she was going to get gray hair waiting for her. This kid is just way too smart for her own good!!!

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