Thursday, October 15, 2009

No matter how you say it...

Pick any word from the list and you will have correctly guessed how I am feeling lately. I guess it's God's way of preparing me for a newborn! Madi wakes up between 11:00 and 11:10 every night like clockwork then usually again around 2:00, Grace is already only up at night as it is usually the only time she kicks plus I just plain cannot go to sleep. I'm usually awake for several hours during the night, what is wrong with me??? My eyes have been twitching which I've heard is a sign of lack of sleep; however, I don't need any signs, I know I am not sleeping so it's just super annoying:)

Tired, weary, exhausted, worn-out, drained, bushed, all-in, beat, sleepy, drowsy, fatigued, pooped and depleted.

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

I talked with Madi about Mommy needing her rest & suggested Madi would be a big help if she would stay in her bed all night. Her answer, "I just love my Mommy soooo much".