Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun with Cousin Carter

Madi going through the maze.
She made it through!
Madi and Grandma Reed in the maze.
Auntie Erin and Cousin Carter taking their turn!
Madi feeding the chickens.
Carter checking out the cute little goat that escaped.
Up close and personal with the little goat. He really escaped from under the fence because he wanted some of the food Madi had...the other goats were so jealous.
All worn out on the way home; she looks sooooooo uncomfortable.

We spent a fun day yesterday with Auntie Erin, Cousin Carter and Grandma Reed while the boys were out scouting for deer. We all met for breakfast, boys included, and when the boys headed for the woods the girls (and little Carter of course) headed to the Lakewood Zoo. Even though it was very cold we had a great time. Madi loved the maze and Carter got to see lots of cool animals for the first time. After the zoo we made a trip to the candy store and Madi was in heaven! It was a fun day and we were so happy to get to spend some time with Erin and Carter. We just love Carter and can't believe how big he is getting. Madi was such a good helper with him; I know she is going to be just an awesome big sister!

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

Oh, my goodness she really zonked out after our big day! I enjoyed spending time with you & Madi & Erin & Carter. Madi certainly loves animals & she was so fair about feeding all of them. She is a dear, loving little girl & yes, I'm certain she is going to be a great big sister. She's so blessed to have you & Dave for her Mommy & Daddy. Thanks for sharing your day with me. It was the highlight of my weekend! Carter certainly loves his Godmother, Auntie Lexie! You have a way with children Lexie!