Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gray Hair

Last night Madisyn was buttoning up her pajama top and she asked me if I was getting gray hair. I just kind of laughed, having no idea where she was going with that one, and I told her that I didn’t think I was and she kept buttoning. She was taking a very long time but I didn’t say anything to her about hurrying up or anything, just let her go. So she goes, “well Ga is getting gray hair.” Dave and I laughed and I asked her why Ga is getting gray hair and she said, “because she is waiting so long for me to get in the car.” She thought that because I was waiting so long for her to button up her pajamas that I would be getting gray hair too. She is a thinker! So this morning she was unbuttoning her pajamas and I kiddingly said, “Madi, I’m getting gray hair.” She just giggled. I can just hear the conversaion she was having with my mom. I'm sure Madi was taking forever to get in the car as she usually does and my mom was teasing her saying that she was going to get gray hair waiting for her. This kid is just way too smart for her own good!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

Not so sure about touching the "guts"
Daddy you do it
Taking a minute to strike a pose
Finally time to start carving
She's clapping
Always posing
My favorite people (along with the one in my belly of course!)
The finished product, Snow White!
Madi and her pumpkin
Daddy helped Madi or rather, Madi helped Daddy carve this awesome Snow White pumpkin. Daddy did an awesome job and Madi was along to look cute and pose for pictures:)
On another note, tonight we were listening to the radio and the song "Party like a rockstar" came on. We were kind of singing along and pretty soon Madi starts singning, "I went potty like a rockstar." She is so funny. Tomorrow marks week 25 of this pregnancy and I absolutely cannot wait to meet this little girl. I think since we found out so soon that we were pregnant it seems like it's going so slow. I will post some pictures of Grace's room soon, it is absolutely adorable! We're almost to the point that all we will need to complete it is Grace!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

And so the Halloween Activities Begin...

Our little family at Zoo Boo, looks like I stuffed one of the pumpkins under my coat (which will not button all the way anymore:)
Madi on cotton candy
Madisyn riding her trusty tiger, similar to the white horse Prince Charming rides I guess.
Madi and Daddy seeing how much they've grown in the last year
Checking out the racoons but she can always take a second to pose
Madi, Ga, Papa and Auntie Kaci going through the maze
Madi by the "huge, huge pumpkin" as she called it
Madisyn, aka Snow White ready to go to Zoo Boo

We had such a fun night tonight going to Zoo Boo with my parents and my sister. We weren't even in the zoo yet, but walking up to it and Madisyn said, "Mom I'm having so much fun." She is so easy to please! We all had a great time watching her have a great time and she got some great candy to boot! This next week will be a fun-filled week of Halloween activities; party at Mommy's work on Wednesday night, Halloween story time at the library on Thursday with Ga and Papa, a wedding on Friday, baby shower and trick-or-treating on Saturday and Packer Parking on's going to be a busy week. Watch for more posts on our exciting week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

One year ago today...

One year ago today we closed on this beautiful house! I can't believe we've had it for a year already and I still sit in the living room and just can't believe that this is our house. We love our house, our neighborhood and we couldn't ask for better neighbors, especially now that Grandpa & Grandma Reed live just down the street:) We know that God was really watching out for us on this one and that we were meant to live here because everything just worked out so perfectly. We look forward to raising our girls here and can't wait to welcome Grace into our home in just a few months!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

No matter how you say it...

Pick any word from the list and you will have correctly guessed how I am feeling lately. I guess it's God's way of preparing me for a newborn! Madi wakes up between 11:00 and 11:10 every night like clockwork then usually again around 2:00, Grace is already only up at night as it is usually the only time she kicks plus I just plain cannot go to sleep. I'm usually awake for several hours during the night, what is wrong with me??? My eyes have been twitching which I've heard is a sign of lack of sleep; however, I don't need any signs, I know I am not sleeping so it's just super annoying:)

Tired, weary, exhausted, worn-out, drained, bushed, all-in, beat, sleepy, drowsy, fatigued, pooped and depleted.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun with Cousin Carter

Madi going through the maze.
She made it through!
Madi and Grandma Reed in the maze.
Auntie Erin and Cousin Carter taking their turn!
Madi feeding the chickens.
Carter checking out the cute little goat that escaped.
Up close and personal with the little goat. He really escaped from under the fence because he wanted some of the food Madi had...the other goats were so jealous.
All worn out on the way home; she looks sooooooo uncomfortable.

We spent a fun day yesterday with Auntie Erin, Cousin Carter and Grandma Reed while the boys were out scouting for deer. We all met for breakfast, boys included, and when the boys headed for the woods the girls (and little Carter of course) headed to the Lakewood Zoo. Even though it was very cold we had a great time. Madi loved the maze and Carter got to see lots of cool animals for the first time. After the zoo we made a trip to the candy store and Madi was in heaven! It was a fun day and we were so happy to get to spend some time with Erin and Carter. We just love Carter and can't believe how big he is getting. Madi was such a good helper with him; I know she is going to be just an awesome big sister!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 22

Me and my girls at 22 weeks, Madi wasn't really cooperating but it was 6:00 in the morning so I can't blame her:)
This was on Mother's Day 2006, I was 21 weeks pregnant with Madi.
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs. or so
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants but some regular shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones, just the ones left over from when Madi was born:)
Sleep: Madi slept in her own bed last night ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I haven't been sleeping very well the last couple nights...we put the flannel sheets on our bed and I think I'm getting too hot now.
Best moment this week: Gracie's room is painted!!
Movement: Still not a ton of movement except for at night when I lay down
Food cravings: Nothing really lately
Gender: It's a girl!!! Grace Lori Reed
Labor Signs: No, but I have a feeling the next few months could be VERY long, Grace sits so much differently than Madi did and really makes mommy uncomfortable sometimes:)
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Decorating Gracie's room; Daddy put the crib up tonight and I got some of the bedding on it, I can't wait to do the rest!
Weekly Wisdom: Take a nap whenever you have the opportunity! We've been so busy with stuff at home and I've been so busy at work I just feel worn out!
Milestones: Over halfway through this pregnancy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My best I ever had...

Tonight on the way home I was listening to one of my favorite Gary Allan songs and Madi said, "Mom what is this song called." I told her it was called The Best I Ever Had. She said, "you are my best I ever had." She just melts my heart, I love her more than words can say.